Students displaced after fire damages four classrooms at SC McPherson


Tribune Staff Reporter


OVER 100 students and several teachers have been displaced at the SC McPherson Junior High School after a fire ripped through four classrooms last week.

Dominique Russell, acting Director of Education, said investigations are ongoing to determine the cause of the fire that broke out in one classroom after school and spread to three others last Friday.

She said a meeting took place on Monday with all stakeholders, including the unions, the district superintendent at the Ministry of Education, the principal, and the school board.

She noted that a plan of action was discussed and agreed by all.

In the meantime, the school principal has identified alternative accommodations on campus for both students and teachers.

Displaced students and teachers have relocated to the agriculture room and auditorium, and crews have conducted smoke remediation and clean-up at the site.

Ms Russell said the principal also met with the four affected teachers to ascertain their needs. She said the school board is buying new curriculum materials to replace those destroyed in the fire.

“From where we sit, we believe what was planned and what is being implemented now is exactly what should have transpired,” said the director, responding to concerns expressed by the Bahamas Union of Teachers.

Ms Russell said repairs will begin at the school following the investigations. She could not provide the estimated cost of the damage.

BUT President Belinda Wilson said 140 students and eight teachers were directly affected.

She said during Monday’s meeting with the school principal and other stakeholders, “commitments were made, most of which were not met thus far.”

“Today, BUT as a follow-up, I tried to speak with the principal to address the outstanding matters, and the principal walked out of her office and the matters have not been satisfactorily addressed,” she said.

Ms Wilson said the BUT has written a letter to the acting director with its concerns.

“We are only interested in a viable plan to ensure teachers can teach and students can learn in a safe, healthy environment,” she said.

“The principal has not communicated satisfactorily with the teachers or parents so that all stakeholders will be able to work together toward a swift resolution.”


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