Focus on the middle and lower class

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The road to re-election for Prime Minister Philip Davis could be a simple one:

Keep the lower-middle class and middle-class happy and they will reward him in 2026. The rich and upper-class matters not who’s in power. They will change their stripes like a zebra as is needed which is so obvious. According to the other daily the PM said he will concentrate on reducing inflation. That is a step in the right direction.

The lower middle-class and middle-class continue to feel the pinch from inflation having to deal with the ever increasing food prices and high costs at the gas pumps. Additionally there is the exact VAT paid by the $300.00 a week worker and the $10,000.00 a month executive. It will certainly be a challenge for the government to ease the pressure on the lower and middle classes.

In addition the Prime Minister would do well to concentrate on Cat Island. His legacy depends on it. We are now in 2024. 2026 is not far away. I would advise the PM to press the gas peddle harder on the airport. The people deserve it. I recall, when I served as president of the Cat Island Sailing Club we paid a courtesy call on Mr Davis, who served as Minister of Works and DPM at the time. He said, Pat every time I put up something for Cat Island Perry knocks it down. Well, Mr Davis, you are now the big man. Let’s do our best to make it happen for the people of Cat Island. It was the common man (woman) who elected you. You have always been described as a common man. One who identifies with the common man. I believe your legacy is riding on coming through for the common-man!



January 6, 2024.


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