Awarding excellence and inspiring the best in Claridge Primary students


Claridge Primary School students making the honour roll received a certificate and a prize - courtesy of Andrew Wilson and QBC - as well as for students receiving Most Improved Student awards. Students achieving honour roll for the first time were also given a bicycle. Photos: Moise Amisial

By Timothy Roberts

Tribune Night Editor


“Never letting rest,

Till my good gets better and my better gets best.

Forward ever, backwards never.

We are going to be the smartest kids in the whole wide world.

Wakanda forever!”

Andrew Wilson, businessman and owner of QBC started the Claridge Primary School’s mid-year awards ceremony with a pledge he has said many times with the students here, some since he began working to inspire the best in them six year’s ago.

He recounted that one of the students the first time he came to read for Ms Johnson’s class asked him, When we graduate grade six will you still be here?” Mr Wilson told him, “god-willing I will be here when you graduate university.”

In the six years since Mr Wilson adopted the school he has provided a media lab, [articipated in reading to the children and has also brought prizes to incentivise the students to work harder and earn higher grades.

He thanked the parents for the role they play “in the development of our children, our nation’s greatest resource, there is no replacement for you.”

He said with their support, and encouragement to spend more time studying and less time on phones and other distractions “they can become the smartest kids in the entire world. And when they become the smartest kids in the entire world, they will become the most prosperous people in the entire world. And they will be able to take care of you in style during your golden years. So please, let us continue to encourage our students.”

He also encouraged those who did not make the honour roll to keep working hard and that they could still get there, adding, “If you make the honour roll by Summer you can come to my store and get a bicycle,” eliciting excited cheers from all the students.


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