Good housekeeping?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

WHICH Bahamas government could qualify to receive a ‘Good Housekeepers Award’? Probably have to go back to pre-1967 as since successive governments of whatever colour - mostly PLP - significantly have rarely even worried about fiscal or financial issues such as deficits, balance of payments or spending as simple as that. If it was expedient they have, note present tense, have a policy... if the constituents need ‘hand-outs’ they will get them.

Spending is uncontrolled we see a massive increase in the travel budget for the upcoming year. Why? The only addition could be CHOGM in Samao, Pacific, but the rest the usual... or is government not telling us? Oh for Freedom of Information was available?

Ministerial travel... agree 100 percent Foreign Affairs job is to travel make the diplomatic connections but a recent event in London causes this writer to ask - why? Canto Choir signing in London coincidental around July 10, Independence, was it necessary for the Minister of Foreign Affairs to attend - thought we had a High Commissioner? So why the travel, Minister? You were in London a week or so ago again.


Nassau, July 7 2024.


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