Police probe over claims

EDITOR, The Tribune.

IT is another sad day in this little country. We are now dealing with allegations of serious police corruption. These damaging voice notes tell a tale of a huge issue within the ranks of our local police force. It is good that the Commissioner said that they are investigating. However, it is insufficient to make this a Bahamian- led investigation. This has to be done by an independent group of investigators. This is a time when new faces must be brought to our shores to give the Bahamian people a true sense that a real investigation will be done. Anything short of that will be suspect to say the least.

In those infamous voice notes it seems a lawyer was involved. The local Bar Association was so vocal the other day regarding the shooting at the Magistrate’s Court demanding that safety was imperative. Yet, I haven’t heard a peep regarding allegations that someone within their ranks may have been involved in such a diabolical scheme. They missed this story?

Let’s hope the government and all of its relevant agencies step up and do their job or we should hope they at least pretend to do it. So many quiet people on this matter. So many. For this to happen we can be sure that the officer named here wasn’t acting alone. You can not gave such a scheme in place and no one else knows about it. The Commissioner has to let an independent group come in and check every inch of his force to ensure as much of the bad apples are weeded out.

Just my two cents. This is a major embarrassment for the country. I hope the PM didn’t ask to keep this off the front page.


Nassau, July 9, 2024.


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