When did water park plan appear?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

NASSAU Cruise Port... when did they include a ‘water park’?

Was it included in the original design? Why have a Cruise Port which can only attract 48 percent of the passengers off the numerous ships in port with a capacity of 30,000 passengers, Maura’s numbers not mine, and now a water park which in my estimate will do the final execution of any benefit to the retail trades on Bay Street - straw vendors, taxi and tours drivers and in general the on-island Nassau Tourism industry. RCL Pl Beach club will see 28,000 passengers. RCL’s walk thru Nassau Port weekly - that’s bad enough, where’s the benefit for Bay Street?

PM - absolutely No-No to water park, that’s too much. Nassau Ports clearly have business problems... wasn’t port supposed to benefit Downtown not kill it? Again, have to ask was the RFP Minnis and them had for the port concession really legal? APD Co, a company controlled 51 percent by government won a government RFP. Me suggests they should never have granted the highly concessionary franchise to APD aka Nassau Parts.


Nassau, July 8, 2024.


truetruebahamian 1 month, 3 weeks ago

Absolutely correct. It must NOT be allowed to go ahead.

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