Police hold two men over shared video of man having sex with young girl


Tribune Freeport Reporter 


GRAND Bahama police took two men in custody after the social media circulation of a video showing an adult male having sex with a young girl.

The men, aged 43 and 41, are being questioned and assisting police in connection with the matter. One of the men had sex with the girl. The other was associated with the incident. The minor involved is between the ages of 16 and 17.

Assistant Commissioner of Police Shanta Knowles, the officer in charge of Grand Bahama, said because the girl is of the legal age of consent, an unlawful sexual intercourse charge would not apply.

She said police are consulting the Department of Public Prosecutions concerning other possible charges in connection with the incident.

In the video, a man drives to a location. He then gets out and walks

over to the next side of the vehicle, where the girl is seated, and they both engage in sexual activity.

ACP Knowles said the teen was interviewed in the presence of her parents and a representative from the Department of Social Services.

Police expect to bring closure to the matter following consultations with the DPP today.

ACP Knowles said police acted to protect the young girl after the video came to their attention.

She advised people with the video to refrain from circulating it and to delete it. She noted it is against the law to disseminate such videos involving children.

“They can be prosecuted if they are found in possession of them,” she said.

“These are children, and they deserve to be children as much as possible and no one should take advantage of their vulnerability, and we see that in this case.

“But we certainly encourage young people not to fall prey to anyone who wants to offer them money for things like this and to be careful of these cellular phones and other devices that can record them in these kinds of positions.”

Social worker Challi Simmons, of the Child Services unit, said the Department of Social Services is mandated to assist the police and report matters to ensure the well-being of children. She also said they are assisting by counselling the teen.

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