BPL grid’s value doubles in $100m bond document

Opposition Leader Michael Pintard, flanked by members of the opposition, during a press conference following the 2024 Budget Communication on May 29, 2024. Photo: Dante Carrer/Tribune Staff

Opposition Leader Michael Pintard, flanked by members of the opposition, during a press conference following the 2024 Budget Communication on May 29, 2024. Photo: Dante Carrer/Tribune Staff


Tribune Business Editor


The company taking over New Providence’s electricity grid appears to be valuing it at more than double the Government’s price in an offering document promoting its new $100m bond issue.

Bahamas Grid Company, the newly-formed entity charged with controlling and overhauling the island’s transmission and distribution (T&D) infrastructure, has placed a $220m valuation on its property, plant and equipment (PPE) assets during its first year in existence according to the bond offering’s private placement memorandum (PPM).

That valuation is 120 percent higher, or more than double, the $100m “book valuation” placed on the New Providence energy grid assets being transferred to Bahamas Grid Company by the Government and Bahamas Power & Light (BPL). Given that Bahamas Grid Company has just been incorporated, it is almost certain that most - if not all - its PPE assets will be those it is inheriting from BPL.

Michael Pintard, the Opposition’s leader, last night told this newspaper that he and his party “are very much concerned” about the discrepancy between the PPM valuation and that provided by the Government and BPL. He added that it reinforced their concerns that the Government was engaged in “a giveaway” of BPL assets, which are ultimately owned by the Bahamian people, as part of its energy reform drive.

Jobeth Coleby-Davis, minister of energy and transport, is according to her social media pages on vacation and could not be reached for comment. However, the Bahamas Grid Company bond offering document, a copy of which has been obtained by Tribune Business, confirmed the $100m “book valuation” placed on the New Providence energy grid assets that are being transferred to majority private investor control.

“Bahamas Grid Company will be a 40 percent BPL/government, 60 percent private partnership,” the $100m bond offering document stipulates. “For 40 percent of the company [Bahamas Grid Company] ownership, BPL and the Governmen will contribute the existing New Providence T&D System, which BPL has assigned a value of approximately $100m along with its related facilities, properties and equipment,” it said.

“The 60 percent private contribution will come from a mix of debt and equity investors funding the foundational upgrades, as well as the partnership raising the financing and leading the T&D upgrade and maintenance work.”

The $220m valuation attached to Bahamas Grid Company’s property, plant and equipment assets, which will likely include substations, transformers, poles and overhead wires, accounts for 90.6 percent of its projected total assets during its first year of operations.

“We always argued that the transmission and distribution was much further north of what the Government listed as book value,” Mr Pintard argued. “Our position has not changed with regard to that. We would not at all be surprised at what their internal documents would say versus what the value floated in advance by the Government as the book value for infrastructure is.

“We’re not at all surprised that there would be this great appreciation..... We don’t find it at all surprising, the figures. We felt the Government intentionally declared the PPE value in advance of this deal in order to permit this company coming in with a small amount of money from these investors to transform the transmission and distribution infrastructure.

“They allowed these investors to come in at $30m by devaluing the assets. Now, all of a sudden, they are seeking to amplify or in a substantial way raise the value of these assets to better support the company to execute the agreements it needs to raise the capital on the front end while getting way beyond what they stated.”

Mr Pintard said Bahamas Grid Company and its private shareholders/investors are now leveraging the assets set to be transferred to their majority 60 percent control by BPL and the Government through using them as security for debt financing. 

The bond offering document also reveals that Bahamas Grid Company fully raised its $30m equity financing by end-June 2024, and the Opposition leader urged that the identity of these shareholders/investors be disclosed publicly. “$30m in equity was raised in the 2024 second quarter,” the document said. “The equity contribution was completed in June 2024.”

“The Government, since they have single-sourced this, they should be very transparent in identifying who put up the $30m for Bahamas Grid Company. Who are the shareholders for this majority 60 percent? That would be useful to know,” Mr Pintard told Tribune Business.

Bahamas Grid Company’s ownership split has already aroused controversy given that the Government/BPL are getting the minority interest despite seemingly contributing more via the $100m “book valuation” of New Providence grid assets. By contrast, the private investors are gaining a collective 60 percent majority stake via just a $30m equity investment.

Equity means that investors are contributing their own money to a project. However, several Cabinet ministers have valued the private sector’s 60 percent at $130m by adding the $100m bond raise to the $30m equity capital. Given that bonds are a form of debt, since capital is being borrowed from investors and lenders, several sources have privately told this newspaper the $100m cannot be treated as equity.

As a result, they have suggested that the Government/BPL interest is really $20m, not $100m, so as to produce the 40/60 ownership split at Bahamas Grid Company in favour of the private sector. “Our view has not changed on this subject one iota,” Mr Pintard added, “when we raised the lack of transparency and competitive bidding by the Government. We’re most disappointed in how they’re proceeding.”

The $100m Bahamas Grid Company bond issue will carry an 8 percent interest rate coupon, with dividends paid semi-annually in January and July every year until they finally mature - and the principal becomes due for repayment - in some 20 years’ time on July 31, 2044.

The first interest payment is due on January 31, 2026, and Bahamas Grid Company cannot redeem the bonds for seven years or 84 months. The funds raised will account for the majority of the $130m New Providence electricity grid’s initial overhaul, which is targeted for completion in the 2025 second quarter provided work begins now.

Some $58m and $55m will be invested in transmission and substations, respectively, with a further $7m allocated to distribution upgrades and $5m to each of engineering and training and education. “The New Providence T&D public-private partnership (PPP) will be structured as a new organisation working alongside and in partnership with BPL to serve utility customers in the Bahamas,” the bond document said.

“BPL will continue to maintain customer relationships and billing, as well as its owned power generation assets. To ensure that the electricity cost in The Bahamas will continue to become more affordable as time goes on, each organisation will use best efforts to limit costs on a going forward basis and collect revenues accordingly.”

Bahamas Grid Company is forecasting that it will earn $75.161m in revenue annually from receiving 5.5 cents per kilowatt hour (KWh) from all customer billings during the first five years. This is scheduled to fall to 4.8 cents per KWh “provided certain demand hurdles are achieved over the next 25 years in accordance with the waterfall payment schedule in the Heads of Agreement”.

The Heads of Agreement remains to be negotiated and agreed with the Davis administration, but it will feature a 25-year agreement for Bahamas Grid Company to overhaul and manage New Providence’s electricity grid with an option to extend for ten years that would ultimately take this to 35.



Sickened 2 months, 3 weeks ago

Boy the same PLP names keep popping up when there are major discrepancies and weird dealings entered into by government.

K4C 2 months, 3 weeks ago

WAKE UP Bahamians this company HAS NO MONEY

It's a SHAM

ExposedU2C 2 months, 3 weeks ago

Don't be so stupid. This proposed crooked deal stinks to high heaven. It would place valuable national assets held by what is essentially a state-owned utility monopoly in the hands of an insatiably greedy and conniving cabal of marauders led by the corrupt and sinister Snake. No effort has been made to:

(1) discover the true value of the assets in a transparent competitive bidding process;

(2) explore other arrangements that would allow government (our nation) to retain majority control over BPL's power generation and distribution systems while placing some ownership skin in the hands of a team of highly experienced professional utility managers with appropriate supporting foreign expertise;

(3) provide the Bahamian people a voice (through a national referendum) in the privatization of such vital energy sector assets given the national security implications involved.

This corrupt Davis led PLP government is feasting on Public-Private-Partnerships (PPPs) that giveaway our national assets for pennies on the dollar of true value while socializing all the related major debts, losses and expenses for the Bahamian taxpayers.

All the significant upside gains and profits from these crooked PPPs go into the pockets of Davis's vulturous cronies in the private sector like the cunning, conniving and insatiably greedy Snake and his cabal of marauders. This must be stopped before there is nothing left for us Bahamians. The sky will be the limit on our monthly electricty bills if corrupt Davis and the greedy Snake have their way with BPL/BEC.

SP 2 months, 3 weeks ago

WAKE UP an do what? Follow Kenya's Gen-Zee?

ThisIsOurs 2 months, 3 weeks ago

"That valuation is 120 percent higher, or more than double, the $100m “book valuation” placed on the New Providence energy grid assets being transferred to Bahamas Grid Company by the Government and Bahamas Power & Light (BPL). Given that Bahamas Grid Company has just been incorporated, it is almost certain that most - if not all - its PPE assets will be those it is inheriting from BPL."

Isnt this something the Securities Commission should be investigating?. It was curious that noone was removed after the FTX glaring failure.

If the govt claims they had an intl accounting firm value the assets and now someone is coming and selling shares based on twice the value of the assets, would that be fraud?

realitycheck242 2 months, 3 weeks ago

My understanding is that BPL existing New Providence T&D System is worth $100 mill and the new equipment for the T&D system will cause another $100 mill. Thats where the $200 mill valuation figure comes from. My only disappointment Government with this deal is that governmant let the big boys in Lyfort cay, old fort bay , Albany and the like Buy up all the $30 million equity shares by end-June 2024 secretly in this Bahamas grid company and did allow the small Bahamian man a chance to buy any shares in this company. VIA an IPO ...Mr Pintard is right in calling for the list of shareholders to be disclosed.

ThisIsOurs 2 months, 2 weeks ago

I admit to being completely lost. The "new" equipment?? Do they have it already? Or are they buying it with the 100m they're asking for? I dont think they can base a valuation on something they dont have. If theyve already bought this new equipment that's something different.

SP 2 months, 3 weeks ago

Nobody should have expected anything different. The PLP are using the same play book as Hubert Ingraham did with the Batelco and submarine cable giveaway fiascos!

Mr. Pintard can urge that the identity of these shareholders/investors be disclosed publicly until Jesus himself comes. It didn't happen with Ingraham and it won't happen now.

This is exactly why neither party is for the FOI act.

Siphoning Bahamian owned assets for personal gain to a handful of "crooked elites" is par for the course with the PLP and FNM.

They are two sides of the same coin, and have been doing this "backdoor pilferage" for 51 years with impunity.

SP 2 months, 3 weeks ago

President Ruto of Kenya shares the same corrupt, greedy, deceptive, modus operandi as some Bahamian politicians.


They could also expect to soon share his same fate.

The electorates lack of participation in the last election unquestionably proves politicians on both sides ran out of time long ago. They are clinging onto the last threads of rope!

ExposedU2C 2 months, 3 weeks ago

See my post above. As regards Kenya, the odds are now very high that it will soon default on its national debt after decades of thieving politicians and PPPs that have robbed the Kenyan people of all their nation's most valuable assets and resources.

ExposedU2C 2 months, 2 weeks ago

Pintard must avoid falling victim to Davis and Snake continuing to ram this most crooked deal through parliament and down the throats of all Bahamians. He can best do so by publicly putting all involved on notice that a FNM government led by him would completely undo it and seek an alternative solution to BPL's woes that would:

1) discover the true value of all its assets in a transparent competitive bidding process;

(2) explore other arrangements that would allow our nation to retain majority control over BPL's power generation and distribution systems while placing some ownership (skin in the game) in the hands of a team of highly experienced professional utility managers with appropriate supporting foreign expertise;

(3) provide the Bahamian people a voice (through a national referendum) in the privatization of such vital energy sector assets given the national security implications involved; and

(4) give all Bahamians an equal opportunity to participate in any gains and profits that might be derived from a transparent energy sector solution acceptable to the Bahamian people.

This crooked PPP deal with the corrupt cabal of marauders led by Snake, and the enabling legislation, must be scuppered by Pintard, and the sooner the better.

DWW 2 months, 2 weeks ago

WOW! cronyism at its finest. We all knew the man in the top seat is well versed in the back room protocols. the bahamian people made their choice in 2021 and now they get to sleep in that bed of corruption. I hope they enjoy the future they set up for us. There is no such thing as a free lunch and we all know the bills need to be paid. Think about it, They just lowered the electricity rates (temporarily) to ensure they get re-elected but if they don't the next admin will have to deal with putting the rates back up to pay for the massive shortfalls of money to buy fuel and pay wages and keep the power flowing. you make the bed and you sleep in it.

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