FNM: Mitchell at odds over police probe

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Fox Hill MP Fred Mitchell

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Fox Hill MP Fred Mitchell


Tribune Chief Reporter


THE FNM said PLP chairman Fred Mitchell appeared to be "at odds" with Prime Minister Philip "Brave" Davis over the need for international help investigating voice notes connected to a senior police officer, a lawyer and two murdered men.

Last week, Mr Mitchell dismissed the opposition's calls for a commission of inquiry or for international law enforcement agencies to investigate the allegations.

"Our friends in the FNM always have this knee-jerk reaction to call in foreigners to clean up the mess," he said. "But we may say this: this is The Bahamas. When we accepted the responsibility of independence, we took on the responsibility of managing and solving our own problems.

“The police have been read the riot act. The reputation of the force and the confidence of the Bahamian people in the force rides on the ability of its managers to navigate these issues with justice, equity, truthfulness and [letting] the chips fall where they may and without damaging our one and only law enforcement agency.

“Outside expertise can help, but this is no commission of inquiry issue.”

The Tribune reported on Friday that the Royal Bahamas Police Force formally asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to send diplomatic notes requesting Scotland Yard’s help investigating the leaked voice notes, which purport to capture a financial quid-pro-quo arrangement to drop an investigation into Michael Fox, Jr, and Dino Smith. 

The Davis administration and police have not indicated that foreign investigators will spearhead the investigation –– only help.

Nonetheless, the FNM said Mr Mitchell's position seemed different from that of the prime minister and Police Commissioner Clayton Fernander, who said receiving international assistance would help ensure a fair and impartial investigation.

"Mitchell stated that the RBPF was read the riot act, emphasising that the force's reputation and the public's confidence hinge on its leaders' ability to handle these issues justly and truthfully," the FNM said. "However, the phrase read the riot act traditionally means a warning to stop causing trouble, which raises the question: Were the police officers warned against unlawful assembly and potential civil unrest or were they simply told their performance was lacking?"

"The Bahamas, with its population of approximately 400,000, has a closely knit community where connections run deep, often blurring lines of professional relationships. There are siblings, brothers and sisters who are related. Everyone is someone else's cousin, aunt or uncle. How can the RBPF be expected to impartially investigate their 'squaddies', drinking buddies and Lodge brothers? Will they set aside personal bonds to ensure a fair investigation?"

The FNM said transparency and accountability are crucial for a transparent investigation, adding that if Mr Mitchell is as "terribly disturbed" by the allegations as Mr Davis is, including outside help would not be feared but instead welcomed. 


TalRussell 1 month, 3 weeks ago

Yep, I'm settin' to brung even more confusion than does already* surround' this hereto premiership!-FM. -- Yes?

birdiestrachan 1 month, 3 weeks ago

What Mr Mitchell said is there is no need for a commission of inquiry he is correct those turbulent minds in the FNM are all over the place lost and confused.

mandela 1 month, 3 weeks ago

Sometimes Mr. Mitchell just need to keep his mouth shut.

SP 1 month, 3 weeks ago

If a rock is thrown into a crowd, only the person it injures will complain!

trueBahamian 1 month, 3 weeks ago

In the US if you had allegations of potentially widespread police corruption, you bring in an independent group to investigate. You don't ask the same guys caught in the corruption to do the investigation. I say that to say you don't know how far this goes. To ask officers to investigate and not know with certainty if they're clean or if they have some affiliation or loyalty to those involved is insane.

Sickened 1 month, 3 weeks ago

Mitchel has lost control of his senses. Sad to watch a man destroy his name like this.

SP 1 month, 3 weeks ago

To double down on what I said earlier. If a rock is thrown into a crowd, only the person it injures will complain!

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