Minister opposes port’s water park

Minister Glenys Hanna Martin in the Bahamas in House on July 17, 2024.
Photo by: Chappell Whyms Jr.

Minister Glenys Hanna Martin in the Bahamas in House on July 17, 2024. Photo by: Chappell Whyms Jr.


Tribune Chief Reporter


GLENYS Hanna-Martin opposes the Nassau Cruise Port’s plan to develop a water park attraction, telling developers: “Please, give it a rest.”

The education minister and Englerston MP is the only member of the Davis administration to take this stance publicly, saying in the House of Assembly yesterday: “Let our people come through your dock. You could make your dock nice, no problem with that.

“Come into Nassau. 

“I hope they heard me on that.”

Mike Maura, the port’s CEO, told Tribune Business earlier this month that the $35m water park project aims to create 350 full-time jobs and should be completed within the next 18 months.

He said the pool-based water park will be constructed behind the amphitheatre towards the western side of Nassau Cruise Port’s existing property.

News of the project sparked critical reactions from many residents. Some vendors downtown also say they are not benefiting from the cruise port because many guests are not venturing outside it.

Mrs Hanna-Martin said The Bahamas is more than a destination.

“The cruise port is a dock,” she said. “It’s a docking facility. The port is Nassau. In Nassau, we have our straw vendors, our taxi drivers, our entrepreneurs. We have this huge rich cultural dynamic, full expression of who we are in the port of Nassau and so I heard some talk about some water theme park; please, please give it a rest.”

The Englerston MP said she has no problem voicing her concerns because she only works for the “people of Englerston” and the Bahamian people.

Known for sometimes taking nationalist positions, Mrs Hanna-Martin opposed Royal Caribbean International’s $110m project for Paradise Island while she was in opposition. She told reporters last year that her position remains the same. However, the Davis administration approved the project.



Sickened 2 months ago

First, big kudos to her for speaking on her, and her constituents, position. If only more MP's would do this - we would have a strong democracy. Second, why was she left out of any side hustle the government has organized?

Twocent 2 months ago

A voice for the people ! She knows the truth..cruise ships are not Bahamian friendly. They are a disaster as an economic model for the Bahamas; they control how and where the tourist dollar is spent to their own gain, they pollute the waters around this nation, they are land resource parasites, sucking up for their own profits, and even the “taxes” they do pay are insufficient for the economic losses incurred. She works for the people, not the side-hustles….but why do we continue to elect political parasites of our own who suck the blood of our people, of our nation, for their greed? We shall reap what we sow !

TalRussell 2 months ago

Just imagine the Somethings Scope of development transformations which Fort Charlotte, The Fish Fry, Potters Cay and Montagu Beach Operators and Vendors' could create with shifting the $35 millions their way. -- Yes?

ExposedU2C 2 months ago

Corrupt Michael Maura and CFAL's very corrupt owners, namely Anthony Ferguson and his Greek Master, who together effectively control NCP, are laughing all the way to the bank as they and the cruise ship owners and operators, especially Royal Caribbean, Carnival, royally screw all Bahamians.

TalRussell 2 months ago

Media Houses should dispatch letters to every elected and political appointee with a simple question: Have You or any Family Member, -- Signed up for a Cruise snice 16 September 2021. -- Remember, there could be photos'. -- Yes?

trueBahamian 2 months ago

Wow! I'm impressed. But, given her family history with the country and the PLP the PM.and others may be less inclined to penalize her. Whether that factors here or not though, I still give her credit for standing up. Sometimes the person with the balls in the room is a woman.

truetruebahamian 2 months ago

She is absolutely correct. The cruise lines laugh all the was to the bank leaving Nassau like a beggar at the gates. If more government yes men would grow some fortitude and represent our people instead of thumping their desks and hiding any attempt at logic we would see a more equitable effect throughout the town. I hope that she also speaks out about the disgrace that has been revealed happening on Athol Island.

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