DEPP approved Andrew Hanna’s company to build wooden dock


Tribune Freeport Reporter


DEPARTMENT of Environmental Planning and Protection director Dr Rhianna Neely-Murphy approved Andrew Hanna’s construction of a wooden dock at Athol Island on February 16, according to a Certificate of Environmental Clearance Office of the Prime Minister officials sent to The Tribune over the weekend.

Dr Neely-Murphy had previously told Tribune Business no permits had been issued for a development on Athol Island.

Last week, St Anne’s MP Adrian White complained about the environmental degradation of the Marine Protected Area and pressured Leon Lundy, a minister of state in OPM, to say who was behind the project.

Mr Hanna’s background is unclear. The certificate of environmental clearance he received says there must be no dredging.

Tribune Business reported that photos taken at Athol Island showed an offshore pier and overwater building to facilitate visitors from ship to shore.   

Mr White claimed “clear-cutting has occurred” on Athol Island.

“Native caucus has been removed, and piles of barge sand materials have been deposited on this island,” he said in the House of Assembly earlier this month.

While showing his colleagues an outline of the island, he said serious environmental infractions had been committed and could be verified if inspectors visited the area.

He said the native limestone had been demolished to create a path across much of the island.

“Here we are in our own country causing damage each and every day under this blueprint for pain PLP administration,” he said, noting the prime minister has repeatedly called on bigger countries to take responsibility for climate change.


ThisIsOurs 1 month, 2 weeks ago

"He said the native limestone had been demolished to create a path across much of the island."

That entire structure has been compromised. The island is only so wide.

How dumb are we. The person who did this should be given a fine of 100000 dollars for every person living on the north eastern end of NP.

This is like constructing a sand bag dune to hold off rising water from entering the city then have someone on the other side inserting a pipe to allow free flow of water

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