PMH morgue employees continue sick-out protest over diesel spill

Princess Margaret Hospital. (File photo)

Princess Margaret Hospital. (File photo)


Tribune Staff Reporter 


ALMOST a week has passed since Princess Margaret Hospital’s morgue employees began their sick-out protest, calling on the government to address a diesel spill affecting them.

Bahamas Allied Health Care Workers Union (BAHCWU) president Krista Burrows-Camp- bel said during a press conference that the issue affects the hospital’s staff generally, not just the ten morgue workers.

She said people have experienced headaches and nausea, with some seeking medical attention.

“We are actually here to say we cannot work in those conditions because our health and safety are paramount; they come first, and it is not safe for our staff to be in that kind

of environment,” she said, sitting next to Obie Ferguson, president of the Trade Union Congress.

She said the situation has prevented families from collecting their loved ones. She said 28 bodies should be released, but the diesel spill has prevented this.

She said the hospital’s managers are not taking the matter seriously.

She also complained that the morgue is over capacity. She said it should not have more than 80 bodies but has over 200.

“We need to get things going so we can get people out so they can get their loved ones buried,” she said.

She said her efforts to discuss the matter with Health Minister Dr Michael Darville have failed.

“Everyone says he’s so easy to come by. I don’t find it so, but I would love to have a sit down with him,” she said.

She said the diesel spill happened last Wednesday, but when she asked how it would be addressed, officials said they were waiting to receive the chemicals needed to neutralize the scent.

She said she was told it would be addressed over the weekend, but it wasn’t. Last week, the Public Hospitals Authority said a strong diesel odour prompted an investigation, which revealed a leaking pipeline as the source. The PHA said the affected area was isolated, and remedial work, including cleaning, was done.


ExposedU2C 1 month, 2 weeks ago

The smell is so noxiously bad that some of the dead are thinking about waking up and walking out of there too!

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