Halt order given on Athol Island

Views of Athol Island off New Providence.

Views of Athol Island off New Providence.

DEPP says it issued a cease and desist for work on the island


Tribune Staff Reporter 


THE Department of Environmental Planning and Protection (DEPP) said it issued a cease and desist order regarding a project on Athol Island.

Works at the Marine Protected Area have sparked controversy.

St Anne’s MP Adrian White has repeatedly raised the issue in Parliament, noting in the House of Assembly earlier this month that “native caucus has been removed, and piles of barge sand materials have been deposited on this island”.

The Bahamas National Trust on Tuesday expressed concern about the situation, saying the island and its surrounding waters hold significant “ecological and historical” value that should be preserved and protected.

DEPP said it received an application for a certificate of environmental clearance (CEC) from Andrew Hanna in January to install a wooden dock, a rest area and a restaurant on Athol Island.

“A site visit was conducted of the area,” DEPP added. “At the time of the site visit, the construction of the proposed rest area and restaurant was in progress. A cease and desist order for all activities onsite was issued.

“After further review, a CEC was issued in February 2023, for the construction of a wooden dock. It was always understood that any other activity would require further environmental review.”

DEPP said the CEC does not permit construction activities and developers must obtain the requisite building permits. It said in January, officers noticed that a seawall was being constructed on the site, but it was unclear whether the appropriate building permits were obtained to build it.

“In April 2024, the department conducted a site visit in response to reports that the construction of the rest areas and a restaurant were underway on the property,” DEPP said. “Accordingly, a cease and desist order was issued to Mr Hanna. Upon investigation, there were signs of oxidised limestone and wood, indicating that the disturbance was not new or active. The cease and desist has since been lifted.”

“The matter was raised again in the House of Assembly on July 17, 2024. Out of an abundance of caution, a cease and desist was issued until the department was able to conduct a comprehensive review of the entire site and meet with the Environmental Consultant of Record.”

“Officers of the DEPP conducted a site visit on that day to determine if any activities outside of those for which clearance were issued, were being conducted. It was determined that the site was predominantly unchanged since the April 2024 visit. The cease and desist remains in place.”


pt_90 1 month, 2 weeks ago

So why did the Minister say

"had obtained a lease from the Government “to do what they’re doing over there"

Can someone remind the govt that they are trusted with the people's resources. They work for us not the interests of the developers. Kudos to MP White for not letting this go. It proves exactly why we need things like FOIA requests. It also proves that we need reform in the house. Important matters need special sittings where Ministers should be called to account for matters in front of the house.

It shows why sadly this country is not progressing as it should. Slackness runs rife throughout society. if not for proximity to the the US and nice beaches I dont know where we'd be with this attitude and behaviour we have seen. Why has the "Minister for the Environment and Natural Resources" remained silent? Isnt he supposed to be championing our natural resources.

Sickened 1 month, 2 weeks ago

Does the DEPP have any teeth? I don't think so. Even the court has no teeth as the enforcement agencies here (police, defense force) have no interest in this sort of thing and I'm sure they take their marching orders from people connected with the destruction of the island. Corruption is King here. The so called religious leaders can't even obey the law, much less understand it. There is not one single layer of society here in The Bahamas where the vast majority of its citizenry are not morally corrupt.

truetruebahamian 1 month, 2 weeks ago

The island must be restored to its pristine state and never allow for this sort of abuse to happen again.

Dawes 1 month, 2 weeks ago

Ahh Government showing how easy it is to get what you want by doing what you want. This is a done deal. They are now trying to look like they are doing something. Didn't the MP say that had all EIAs etc and clearances in hand. If that is so why stop it. We all know they didn't and there is now a scramble to get them it and make it look like they did all along. But hey its almost time for the PM to tell everyone how important the environment is.

bahamianson 1 month, 2 weeks ago

What happens to the secret deal that was going on? The company/indibidual/and minister thhat are involved should be publicized so we can know whom they are. This is a disgrace . So the mi ister was worth $150,000 when he/she came into politics, now worth 5 million dollars leabing politics. This crap is our culture, and we proud.

truetruebahamian 1 month, 2 weeks ago

This is a disgusting misuse of power and cronyism. The National Trust assessments should hold more importance than some idiot’s abuse of a very important protected area.

hrysippus 1 month, 2 weeks ago

Am I the only one with a sense of humour such that I read this report and just burst out laughing?

sheeprunner12 1 month, 1 week ago

Did Lundy say who had the secret contract yet?

These PLPs could kill .........

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