Athol Island

EDITOR, The Tribune.

THE current disaster being highlighted in The Tribune newspaper about the Athol Island development project needs immediate attention to make the STOP order permanent! 

The ridiculous position of destroying native CROWN land that sits on the border of the National Trust marine sanctuary must cause the blood pressure of every Bahamian citizen to explode.

The docks must be removed and the area protected from being developed.

Why The Tribune cannot get answers as to the owners of this business is hard to believe. An investigative journalist can turn up the heat on this shady politically connected operators so Bahamians authorities can shut down this operation forever.

What kind of country do we live in that individuals who are Politically protected can break laws and destroy our beautiful water and sea beds.

We must rout out this evil and remove this operation from Athol Island immediately before any further damage is done. The world is watching to see if Bahamians are serious about keeping our land and sea for the future generations to enjoy and cherish.

Raise your voices and contact your representative to put a STOP to this corruption.



July 25, 2024.


truetruebahamian 1 month, 1 week ago

Absolutely correct. These breaches of protected areas cannot ever be allowed and full repairs to its natural condition must be enforced.

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