BUT chief: Was MOU worth it?

BAHAMAS Union of Teachers president Belinda Wilson.

BAHAMAS Union of Teachers president Belinda Wilson.

Belinda Wilson blasts union leaders for signing pre-election agreement 


Tribune Chief Reporter 


AFTER Bahamas Electrical Workers Union president Kyle Wilson accused the Davis administration of violating a pre-election memorandum of understanding, Bahamas Union of Teachers (BUT) president Belinda Wilson blasted umbrella union leaders for agreeing to sign the MOU in the first place.

She said the leaders sold out their members for a bowl of porridge and questioned if the signing “was worth it”.

“The union leaders allowed themselves to be used as political pawns when they signed a memorandum of understanding a few weeks before the 2021 general election and, in one instance, unbeknown to the affiliates,” she claimed in a voice note.

“Well, the two signatories, they should be satisfied to bear new initials after their name and their consultant position, respectively.”

The controversial 2021 signing resurfaced this week after BEWU presi­dent Kyle Wilson claimed that in leaving BPL's unions out of discussions about reforming the BPL, the Davis administration is violating the agreement Prime Minister Philip "Brave" Davis signed when he was opposition leader.

Mr Davis signed the MOUT on behalf of the Progressive Liberal Party. The National Congress of Trade Unions Bahamas (NCTUB) and the Commonwealth of The Bahamas Trade Union Congress (CBTUC) also signed the agreement. 

Mr Wilson was present for the signing and said then that his support was more about bettering the plight of workers and not endorsing any political party. 

Several former affili­ates of the NCTUB, including  BUT, the opposed the signing and denounced then-union president Bernard Evans, who they claimed had an "agenda".

Mr Evans has since resigned from the post and was announced as chief labour consultant/negotia­tor for the government in 2022. 

According to the MOU, parties agreed to work together to redefine wages, amend labour-related law to better protect work­ers, and consult on matters related to public policy before approval processes and concessions are given to foreign investors. 

Yesterday, Mrs Wilson acknowledged that signing a MOU can be beneficial when executed properly. Still, she said a union leader should never mix politics with business, "especially to the detriment of workers who depend on us". 

"Now, today, some who followed with their mem­bers' best interests at heart, have now opened their eyes," she said. "So I say, let's continue to agi­tate to advocate and to stand strong together for our union members. But I asked the few union lead­ers, is it worth it to sell out your union members for a bowl of porridge? I say no. So, those of us who are pre­pared to interrupt the status quo and to stand strong together, I say let's continue to stand." 


Sickened 7 months, 2 weeks ago

Unions are the training grounds for politics. It's where you learn to: - stab people in the back - promise people the world while planning their demise - lie with a smile and, - praise God while worshiping the devil.

birdiestrachan 7 months, 2 weeks ago

Ms Wilson must be delighted to show her face again, for what ever reason

birdiestrachan 7 months, 2 weeks ago

Yes her and doc Sands in the garbage looking for thrash to throw the FNM signed none zero

John 7 months, 2 weeks ago

The Union got hoodwinked and bamboozled. The plan was to dust up the Union. Just like BTC . Where are all the senior BTC workers… goner

SP 7 months, 2 weeks ago

Someone needs to list the number of promises made by the PLP while campaigning and how many of those promises were actually kept.

sheeprunner12 7 months, 2 weeks ago

Making a deal with the PLP is akin to making a deal with the Devil

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