Free to have our opinions

EDITOR, The Tribune.

IN our form of democracy all have the right to their personal opinion…opinions are made through due diligence - listening studying and coming to a rational decision and then your point of view…you have the Constitutional Right to state that and use your free secret ballot whenever an election is called.

Why then does one political party - well its Chair, constantly attacks those who differ from his opinion? Is his opinion the sole opinion? Is his opinion seemingly divinely sent so We all must comply and obey? Isn’t it the Constitution responsibility of the Opposition to oppose where appropriate - criticise where obvious there is inadequacies etc.etc… We are ‘still a free democratic country - are we?’

There is a crime problem a serious problem this government has thrown millions in new equipment and still the carnage shootings occur no longer in single events but multiple events…Surely the Opposition can criticise? Nassau Cruise Port proposal for Water Park are we now to believe that proposal has not been given the green light? You think Nassau Ports, would have prematurely announced without being sure da ting is in the bag approved?

Problem for the government is again a senior Minister is opposing like she did openly to a Cabinet decision when they approved the controversial RCL - Paradise Island Beach Club for speaking publicly opposing a Cabinet decision should have resigned but no…what will happen this time? No vehicle licence plates now months ‘000’s vehicles driving without them - are the Insurance Cos happy with that...Police used to stop and charge you if your vehicle had no plates...the Law changed and no one knew?

Opposing is a fundamental right…to oppose and speak or write also...no one should try to demean opposing as there is no government that has the correct answers to all the problems all of the time as some governments suggest they have.



July 24, 2024.


truetruebahamian 1 month, 1 week ago

The person in charge of supplying licence plates has said that nobody is going to tell him what to do, yet he is being paid. Ridiculous!

pt_90 1 month, 1 week ago

This country is run by a pack of amatuers.

moncurcool 1 month, 1 week ago

You are giving them too much credit. They are not even as good as amateurs.

johnd 1 month, 1 week ago

the patients have been running the [ass]ylum for to many years

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