Doctor in need of transplant airlifted to US

Dr Ajita Wallace-Pinder

Dr Ajita Wallace-Pinder


Tribune Staff Reporter 


AJITA Wallace-Pinder, a newly married doctor in dire need of a heart transplant, was airlifted out of the country on Friday and underwent surgery.

Medical Association of The Bahamas president Dr Gemma Rolle said in a press statement: “The family of Dr Wallace-Pinder wishes to express their heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has extended prayers, well wishes, and financial contributions to support her during this challenging time. Your generosity and support are deeply appreciated.”

“As of the latest update, Dr Wallace-Pinder was airlifted to a cardiac centre on Friday (July 26) morning and is currently undergoing an LVAD placement procedure this morning. We ask that you continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers as she undergoes treatment and recovery.”

Dr Wallace-Pinder, 41, is a member of Princess Margaret Hospital’s internal medical team. She had been admitted to PMH’s Intensive Care Unit, waiting to be airlifted out of the country to receive mandatory and critical care. 

Her family created a GoFundMe account to raise $200,000, the “tip of the iceberg” of what’s needed to help her. As of press time, the account had raised $97,810. 

“$200,000 does not even cover what she needs to at least get out of the ICU,” Dr Rolle said during a press conference last week.

“When we think of heart transplant, we are talking millions of dollars, and quotes of three million being passed around probably just scratches the surface because it is not just the actual surgery we are covering.”

“We are covering the care of keeping her going until she gets this transplant, and then there is the after-care, there is the rehab, all of what she has to endure thereafter just to get back on that battlefield with us.”

Yesterday, Dr Rolle urged people to continue donating to Dr Wallace Pinder’s cause. To donate, visit https:// gofund.me/59afd10b.


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