Royal Bahamas Defense Force (RBDF) Commodore Dr Raymond King inspects officers ahead of the Reserve Commission Officer Graduation Ceremony at the RBDF Coral Habour base in July 2024. Photo: Dante Carrer/Tribune Staff
Tribune Staff Reporter
DEFENCE Force Commodore Raymond King said officials expected illegal immigration, which has slowed “considerably” since the start of the year, to increase when Kenyan officers reached Haiti to lead a multi-national security mission there.
“We saw some traction, and the coast guard would have dealt with one or two vessels,” he said yesterday.
“I think the Haitian Coast Guard itself would have had to respond to a vessel that sunk, and I think they were able to rescue some 41 of their own nationals, and so it had slowed, but we remain positive. We still have assets dedicated to the southeastern Bahamas to respond to any need.”
Immigration Minister Alfred Sears said during his budget contribution last month that 2,910 foreign nationals had been repatriated to their home country for the 2023-2024 fiscal year.
In March, Commodore King said from January to February, there was a 650 per cent decrease in migrant interdiction compared to the same period last year –– 140 versus 1,055. By the following week, however, migrant apprehensions began to increase significantly. Between March 11 and April 7, 676 migrants were apprehended.
On Friday, Kenya’s National Police Service (NPS) said it is successfully combatting gang activity and restoring security to Haiti.
Kenya recaptured a port and cleared a blockade leading to a gang-ridden town, the NPS said on X, the website formerly known as Twitter.
joeblow 7 months, 1 week ago
... I would say considering the amount of them in the job market, schools, getting health care and in the RB PF, RBDF and other branches of government, I would say something is wrong with the headlines!
ExposedU2C 7 months, 1 week ago
Yup, you're so right ......... the ongoing invasion of our small nation by illegal aliens has not slowed in the least.
LastManStanding 7 months, 1 week ago
Just because you don't catch them or see them doesn't mean they aren't coming. Hell most of them are probably already here judging by what I see.
mandela 7 months, 1 week ago
I guess the demolition of shanty towns is making a difference, the message is getting across, no more shanty towns to hide in.
ExposedU2C 7 months ago
The demolition work quickly came to a rather abrupt halt.
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