University launches president search

THE search for the next University of The Bahamas (UB) president is underway after its board of trustees released a document detailing what it is seeking from the new hire.

The university, in a statement, said it released ‘The presidential opportunity at UB’ document on July 29. It details the nominee and applicant qualifications it is seeking, which are based “on the insights and feedback gleaned from listening sessions held with various stakeholders”.

UB said it is looking for a candidate whose vision and goals align with that of its own, and “a dynamic and inclusive leader who will embody a commitment to the values and traditions of the university”. Leadership qualities, and fund and fundraising management, are other qualities desired by the profile. Applicants and nominees must submit have all required documents and information by September 19.

Allyson Maynard-Gibson KC, UB’s chair, and vice-chair Gadville McDonald will work alongside the ten-member presidential search committee to select the best candidate. The winner will be the ninth president of the university, succeeding Janyne Hodder, whose tenure ends in June 2025. The new president’s tenure will also mark the 50th anniversary of the University of The Bahamas, formerly the College of The Bahamas.


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