Man shot by police ‘fired replica gun at officers’


Tribune Staff Reporter 


AN officer has testified that on the night police killed Walter Johnson, the suspect had fired a replica gun at them.

Inspector Errol Johnson said he, PC 4149 Tarino Curtis and PC 4194 William McKinney –– the subjects of the inquest –– were conducting an operation after 12am on April 9, 2022, when they were informed of an armed robbery on Hospital Lane near Club 98. 

Inspector Johnson recalled seeing the deceased walking north with his left hand reaching into his left waist as though he was trying to fix something. 

His suspicion aroused, he drove in the direction of Johnson and allowed the junior officers to approach him. 

Inspector Johnson said after they identified themselves as officers, the deceased pulled what appeared to be a firearm from his waist, causing the other officers to scream “gun”. 

Inspector Johnson recalled hearing what sounded like a gunshot from the deceased, after which his two subordinates opened fire on the suspect. 

Inspector Johnson said after the shooting, he approached the deceased and observed that he was wearing a green bulletproof-like vest. 

He also said he saw the deceased clutching what looked like a tan handgun in his left hand. 

Forensic pathologist Dr Caryn Sands testified on Monday that the deceased came into the morgue wearing a makeshift bulletproof vest with two metal plates, including a one-way sign, on both sides. 

She also said his cause of death was a gunshot wound to the head and right thigh. 

Inspector Kristoff Greenslade, an officer from the police armoury, clarified on Monday that the weapon the deceased had was a replica of a Glock 19 pistol. 

Inspector Greenslade also said the replica matched the ones used in SWAT training and could mimic real gunfire. 

Acting Coroner Kara Turnquest Deveaux presided over the inquest. Angelo Whitfield marshalled the evidence. 

Brian Dorsett represented the officers. 

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