J’maire graduates as head boy

Congratulations are owed to J’maire Sands who is graduating this week as the Head Boy of Uriah McPhee Primary School. 

J’maire is a young man who has excelled throughout his academic career thus far not only in terms of maintaining good grades but also by serving as a role model for fellow students inside and outside of the classroom. He has exemplified discipline and has shown compassion and respect for his fellow students as well as his teachers. 

J’maire has served his graduating class well as Head Boy this past year and previously as a prefect. He has been involved with Junior Achievers, K-Kids, choir, and school plays. J’maire will be continuing his education at St Augustine’s College where he hopes to broaden his interests and enhance his skills in music, theatre, leadership and community service. 

The following is a poem written by J’maire:

From Victim to Victor, a tale unfolds,

Scattering shadows, shimmering like gold. 

Once lost in the shadows, where darkness prevailed, 

Now stands a warrior, strong and ready to prevail.

Through tests and trials, courage ignites, 

Against all odds, your spirit takes flight. 

No longer a victim shackled by dread, 

but a victor armed, charging ahead.

With God as my beacon of light, navigating the night, 

Embracing my faith and the challenges of life, embracing the fight!

Gone are the chains of self-doubt and fear,

In their place determination stares clear!

Remember, dear friend, amidst the despair, 

Within you lies the strength to repair. 

From victim to victor, the transformation begins 

In your heart, the flame of resilience within.

Rise up, stand tall, let your story unfold, 

From victim to victor, your journey untold.


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