Family shock over Father’s Day death

Geovani Rolle

Geovani Rolle

Man who took early shift to spend time with kids shot dead


Tribune News Editor


GEOVANI Rolle worked an early morning shift at Jet Nassau on Sunday because he wanted to spend that evening celebrating Father’s Day with his two children, a 12-year-old boy and a six-year-old girl.

He had planned to get them ice cream and take them to the movies, according to his sister, Melanie Rolle-Hilton.

Instead, police said when Geovani, a line service supervisor, arrived at work around 6am, he was approached and shot multiple times by the occupant of a white Nissan Note. Police later arrested a 25-year-old man of Fire Trail Road in the departure lounge of the domestic terminal at the Lynden Pindling International Airport in connection with the murder.

Geovani died on the way to the hospital, surrounded by relatives who prayed for him and urged him to fight.

Mrs Rolle-Hilton said her brother, the youngest of her five siblings, was an active and caring father who loved attending his daughter’s swimming meets and playing basketball with his son. She said his children adored him and looked forward to spending Father’s Day with him.

“His son, who is 12, likes basketball and really looks up to his dad,” she said. “His dad is tall and he always wanted to emulate his dad. His dad was his world.”

The close-knit family Geovani left behind is struggling to cope with the loss of someone they saw maturing and growing into his own.

Mrs Rolle-Hilton said she was asleep when her mother knocked on her door with the news that her brother had been shot.

She grabbed her shoes and ran to her car with her husband.

She later drove in the ambulance with her brother as paramedics fought to stabilise him.

“I just expressed to him how much we love him and how we wanted him to fight to stay with us, to listen to the sound of my voice, to pray in his mind, to think of his kids,” she said. “I just hoped it was enough for him to remain here with us.”

Mrs Rolle-Hilton said her brother was conscious for most of the ride. However, shortly before they arrived at Doctors Hospital, his condition deteriorated, and she realised he was in trouble.

She said Geovani’s children are traumatised about losing their father, especially on Father’s Day.

“They know that they will never get another Father’s Day with him,” she added.

Mrs Rolle-Hilton said her five sisters –– “all very strong women” –– were protective of their younger brother. When her brother went out, she would often sit near a window sill waiting for him to return.

“Whenever he would pull up in his car, I would run in my bedroom so he wouldn’t know that I was, what he would call, mothering him,” she said. “I will miss being able to do that.”

She said she and her brother never argued, and he was never angry.

Two weeks before he died, he began discussing with her a desire to start a business.

“We realised he was maturing so much,” she said, adding that the sisters were discussing financing his venture. “I knew how much he wanted it. In the last two weeks, he would always message me with ideas about what he wanted to do and was so excited about it.”

Geovani’s death was widely discussed on social media. Some claimed he was part of a love triangle.

Mrs Rolle-Hilton said she has avoided the social media chatter but has heard the story.

“I cannot speak to it, but I know my brother, and he doesn’t enter into things lightly, so despite what people might say or believe, it doesn’t give anyone a right to take a life, even if that is the case,” she said.

“As a family, we want the justice system to work for us to help us come to some sort of resolve in this matter because what has happened to our son, our brother, our nephew, is not something we would wish on anyone.”


ExposedU2C 1 week ago

Truly sad.

If you're borne in the Bahamas today, you have an incredibly high probability of being murdered by the time you reach age 50 compared to all other nations, excluding those engaged in ongoing wars ....... and that's assuming the current annual rate of murders does not increase over the next 50 years, which is indeed most doubtful.

Living in constant fear of one's life and the lives of one's family members is the greatest legacy successive corrupt politicians in both the PLP and FNM parties will have left the Bahamian people when all is said and done. Make no mistake about it, the corrupt politicians in this Davis led PLP government are much too busy feathering their own nests to be concerned about the out-of-control violent criminal activity in our country today.

And perhaps the most troubling thing is, even if these corrupt politicians were genuinely concerned about the soaring murder rate created by their decades of failed policies, they are much too daft and incompetent to do anything about it.

John 6 days, 5 hours ago

Too bad you chose this i tragedy to spew your hate/filled garbage about The Bahamas again. When a family is in mourning and trying to cope with a painful situation. But the US had had over 170 mass shootings for the year and this is the lowest mass shootings in that country in six years. And in NINETY PERCENT of the mass shootings, the shooter has been some deranged, white person, as young as 15 and the victims have been Black or Brown people, who in most cases, have no connection to their killers. Ninety five percent of murders in this country are committed using guns and 100 percent of guns and ammunition used in murder and crimes in The Bahamas are produced in the United States. Until recently most of the murders and shootings in this country were between young men 28-40 years old. And do the other sectors of society were fairly safe unless they were unfortunately caught up in the crossfire. In the US no one is safe because everyone is a potential of random or planned mass shootings. And no institution is exempt from churches to schools to food stored to malls to night clubs to food stores to train stations to movie theaters.. no where. Even the White House and zca Capitol Hill had been targeted,

Porcupine 5 days, 21 hours ago

Hey John, Perhaps stick to the numbers. Yes, it is insane in the US. But, The Bahamas is clasified as an armed conflict zone. I have lived in both places. The level of dishonesty, corruption and violence is at epidemic proportions compared to the US. The Bahamas would make their own guns if they made anything at all. But, we don't. I am a very harsh critic of the US. However, having lived in both places, I can safely say there are very, very few people here you can count on, rely on, or trust. We are for the most part a very lazy people today, and if the Haitians, Dominicans and Mexicans move here, it is game over in this country. That is why most employers would rather hire foreigners. Not just because they can pay them less. They are more reliable and honest. Period. Just saying. If The Bahamas wants to complain about illegal guns coming into The Bahamas, what about all the cocaine and rum before that that went to the US via The Bahamas? And, please remember that the guns don't kill people by themselves. It takes a person who has no respect for another's life to pick up that gun and use it. I get tired of hearing the ignorant excuse that guns are killing people. In the US there are more guns than people, yet they still do not have the level of crime and murder that we do here. If people want guns there will NEVER be a way to stop them from coming into this country. Ever. I can prove this beyond any doubt. Get a life.

John 5 days, 19 hours ago

Maybe you need to get a life and not worry about mines . The Bahamas may be considered a conflict zone and yes there were 58 murders here but over 170 mass shootings in the US in less than six months. A mass shooting is when three or more persons are shot. More policemen have been shot and killed in the US than the number of people murdered here. And now that the Supreme Court has lifted the ban on gun stocks expect tand increase in mass shootings. And if you had half the live I have you would have common sense and not be into publishing garbage juice.

John 5 days, 6 hours ago

Whilst you sitting here ranting and raving like someone on illegal opioids, DO YOU KNOW if it wasn’t for illegal immigrants in the UNITED STATES, the cost of living in that country would almost double. Haitians and Mexicans included! The ‘de facto’ minimum wage in the United States has doubled since Covid because some people are still refusing to work certain jobs. Why do you think Joe Biden allowed TEN MILLION immigrants to enter the USband is now allowing them to regularise their immigration status if they marry an American and start a family. . . And certainly you know EIGHTYFIVE PERCENT of illegal immigrants entering this country continue on to the UD. So it would be futile for this country to spend more resources to strengthen its borders as long as America had an appetite for things illegal, be it drugs or immigrants or to ship weapons and ammunition in the opposite direction, to The Bahamas and the Caribbean, if only to fuel the fires of murder and violence. Sir Lynden Pindling said it best when he told Brian Ross of NBC during the Cocaine Epidemic : ‘you expect my lil small country ( The Bahamas) to do what a big country like America with all her resources can’t do and stop the drugs from flowing into the country ‘. You can’t be serious !’ Little did Pindling know who was really facilitating the flow of drugs through the Bahamas and into the United States. The so called ‘Wsr on Drugs’ was just e cover and a diversion. Just like is being done now with the ( Haitians) immigration problem.

John 5 days, 4 hours ago

Another mass shooting in the US. This time in a food store in Arkansas. Ten shot including a police officer. Three dead, including a nurse with a three month old infant. Shooter shot by police and taken into custody. He is a member of the community and known to his victims. This brings the number of mass shootings in the US to 230. Gun violence is usually deadly and affects everyone. Time to stop pointing fingers and become a unified force to fix the problem

Cobalt 5 days, 21 hours ago

@John….. Listen you idiot. We don’t care what’s going on in the U.S. The bottom line is that we have a crisis within our own country that successive governments have been unable to contain. Our borders are unsecured and our authorities have loss control of our streets allowing criminals and murderers to conduct self-motivated executions as they see fit. That blame falls directly on our government!

John 5 days, 19 hours ago

Obviously you are the idiot and because if your low intelligence you must resort to name calling. And racism. O how the truth hurts. How painful it must be. As if crime and murder and corruption is exclusive to the BaHAMAS. When’s convicted felon is running for the presidency and the current president has been under investigation ( entire family basically) for financial improprieties and questionable business practices and associations even bozo the clown knows that most of the crime and violence in the BaHAMAS and many Caribbean countries spills over: is instigated from the United Ststed and that is why there are so many agents operating here with multi billion budgets. And that is why there is no peace and safety in Haiti because the foreigners and foreign companies continue to exploit that country and its people and its natural resources, not unlike what is happening here with tourism and the natural resources of this country. So before you gets to calling me an idiot go catch s suntan and make sure ya neck ain’t red.

John 6 days, 5 hours ago

There were three unfortunate incidents over the weekend that ended in death and where the killers and victims were known or in some association with each other. There was this one, and the one where two brothers got into an altercation and the older brother struck the other one with his car, causing his death. Then there was the incident where a young woman showed up at a residence and was shot and killed by an 18 year old male. In relationships these days, people must know who they are getting involved with and know who that person is involved with. There are many incidences where someone will tell the other person they are single and they find out otherwise. And there are situations when someone may find out there is a third person in a relationship, but they still continue in that relationship that eventually ends in tragedy. And at least one person will lose their life.

John 6 days, 2 hours ago

PS the young man who shot the girl that visited his home was 17 not 28. He is remanded to Simpson Penn.

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