Senator: Verified tourism programme a ‘game-changer’

By Fay Simmons

Tribune Business Reporter



Senator Randy Rolle, who spearheads the downtown revitalisation efforts, said the verified vendor identification cards which will be issued next month to approved vendors will help set a "new standard" in the quality and safety of the country’s leading industry.

During his Senate contribution yesterday, Mr Rolle said the Verified Tourism Committee, including stakeholders such as the Royal Bahamas Police Force, the Road Traffic Department, and Inland Revenue will ensure that all approved vendors meet "stringent standards".

He said: “The Verified Tourism Programme ensures that only qualified vendors operate from Junkanoo Beach to Cabbage Beach on Paradise Island — has been a game-changer. By issuing verified identification cards starting in July at Prince George Wharf, we are setting a new standard for tourism quality and safety.”

Mr Rolle revealed the Downtown Revitalisation Unit is also looking into a tram service for downtown to meet transportation needs and increase revenue.

He said: “We are also exploring the feasibility of a tram service in the Downtown area, focusing on times when cruise ships are in port. This study evaluates the transportation needs, potential benefits, and technical requirements of such a service.

“The potential economic and social impacts are significant, offering us another avenue to enhance the visitor experience and local economy.”

Other improvements to Bay Street include the installation of additional street signs and partnerships with pest control companies to improve the "aesthetic appeal" of Bay Street.

He said: “Partnering with experts in integrated pest management, we will implement strategies that address the root causes of infestations, such as habitat modification and exclusion techniques.”

Mr Rolle said bus shelters for pedestrians will also be constructed on Bay Street and a street sweeping machine will be introduced to ensure the area is maintained

He said: “New bus shelters are being installed to provide much-needed shade from inclement weather and heat, as well as comfortable seating for commuters. These shelters will make waiting for public transportation a more pleasant experience, enhancing the overall convenience and comfort of our public transit system.

“Additionally, we are introducing a state-of-the-art street sweeping machine. This machine will play a vital role in keeping our city center clean and tidy, ensuring that our streets remain free of debris and adding to the overall beauty and charm of our urban landscape.

“In Pompey Square, we are installing new lighting to enhance visibility and safety, making this popular gathering place even more alluring. The improved lighting will create a vibrant and secure atmosphere, encouraging more community activities and events.”


ExposedU2C 6 days, 23 hours ago

The worthless cruise ship enterprises that are sucking our country dry should be taxed to death to pay for the revitalisation of Downtown Nassau as well as their pollution of our environment. The cruise ship enterprises have Chester the Jester in their pockets and Pintard really needs to hit on this subject hard, and I mean very hard!

Bonefishpete 6 days, 19 hours ago

So we tax them and they say goodbye. Cruise Ships don't need Nassau, they'll just bypass Nassau on their way to their private Islands. I believe they have the capacities to build a make believe Nassau on their Islands. If Disney can build a world class adventure city on a Florida swamp the cruise companies can recreate a fake Nassau without the crime and blighted area.

ExposedU2C 6 days, 17 hours ago

They have much more to gain from us than we could ever have to gain from them. They have for decades stymied the development of our nation by sucking out of our economy infinitely more than they have contributed to it. We should have long ago pivoted to focusing the development of our tourism sector on wealthier stopover visitors.

Unlike the land based hotels, the exploitative cruise ship enterprises employ relatively few Bahamians and their budget conscious passengers put just about all of their vacation money in the pockets of their foreign shareholders. They have bribed, greased and coerced our more corrupt politicians to get whatever they want and to hell with the Bahamian people.

And to add insult to injury, they give us their environmentally hazardous pollution in exchange for the privilege of paying us a derisory passenger-head tax. Every retail shop and restaurant in downtown Nassau and every conch, fish and beer shack at Arawak Cay would be a goldmine for our economy.

Just think, we would have night clubs and restaurants owned by Bahamians with live entertainment from local musicians, etc., etc., to pocket for ourselves and our economy the mega millions of dollars taken away from our shores by the many entertainment and other offerings on board the greedy cruise ships.

Dawes 6 days ago

Not if you tax them double to enter our waters and not come to our ports. They can go around if they want, but they wont be able to visit their islands unless they pay double

juju 6 days, 11 hours ago

And what about the monster rats that run across my feet in broad daylight when I walk up Bay st East of Victoria Avenue?

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