Family tribute to woman struck by boat while swimming

Allison Dyck

Allison Dyck

The family of a woman who died when struck by a boat on June 22 has paid tribute to a "beloved daughter, sister and aunt".

Allison Dyck was swimming at the Pink Sands Beach on Harbour Island when she was struck by a boat at about 2pm. She was transported to Princess Margaret Hospital but died from her injuries. 

Her family said: "Allison was well-loved by all she knew and was a brilliant woman who will be fondly remembered for her warmth, beauty, loving nature, loyalty, humour, creativity, athleticism and culinary skills."

The family added: "Allison had a passion for running marathons, travelling and her extensive career with the US Department of State. At the time of her untimely death, she lived in Washington, DC, where she had recently been promoted and purchased a new home."

The family said condolences, memories and information about the incident could be sent to infoallisonbahamas@gmail.com. 

Police are investigating and the family also asked that anyone who may have footage or information contact police on 502-9991. The family also has a local advisor available at 554-3983. 


ExposedU2C 3 weeks, 5 days ago

Coming on the heals of the disappearance of Taylor Casey, this tragic incident resulting in the death of Allison Dyck, a US state Department official, is going to bring an awful lot of heat our way, and I don't mean of the summer weather kind.

Stumpy Davis is counting his lucky stars that executives at CNN and MSNBC are pre-occupied with all of their hyping of the presidential debate that will air tonight at 9:00 pm on CNN and CSPAN.

AnObserver 3 weeks, 5 days ago

When are we going to take marine safety seriously? Jet skis everywhere with untrained operators. Tour and charter boats running right up to the beach, on plane, where there are swimmers and snorkelers. This is what, the third person to be struck and killed by a boat this year alone? Where is the ports dept? Where is the RBDF?

IslandWarrior 3 weeks, 4 days ago

When a country is run by a culture that prioritizes securing political votes, it inevitably leads to the erosion of the principles of law, the appearance of professionalism, and the assurance of the safety of our guests. To set a proper standard, we must exclude "friends, family, and lovers" from the business of running this country. Only those who meet the highest standards should offer services to our visitors, who are our lifeline. The pervasive neglect driven by self-interest and petty party politics is detrimental to everyone, including our guests. This neglect is, in fact, killing all of us, and the recent tragedy serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for change.

trueBahamian 3 weeks, 4 days ago

Clearly, there were no guidelines followed here with regards to where boats should be in the water. One thing, it shouldn't matter if it's a visitor or a local person involved, a tragedy isn't less or more because of what category you fall into. The government, boat operators, etc all need to take responsibility for safety.

Dawes 3 weeks, 4 days ago

Condolences to the family. Unfortunately nothing will change as we don't care about safety. I can't always blame the police as often they do stop someone only to find out that person is connected and now the police officers career is over. Better therefore to do nothing then something.

TalRussell 3 weeks, 4 days ago

Not sure if they were already in place in the area of the Pink Sands Beach on Harbour Island where Allison Dyck was fatally struck by a boat while swimming. -- There needs to be a law, requiring Swimming Buoys to denote the boundary of a designated swimming area of which Boaters must stay well clear of. -- Swimmers may still venture beyond the markers but they do so at risk to One-Self.. -- Yes?

ExposedU2C 3 weeks, 3 days ago

I thought we had a law requiring the proper demarcation of a designated swimming zone by beachfront hotels and villas in which motor and/or wind operated sea craft of any kind are not allowed to venture.

If such a law does indeed exist (as it should), and was applicable in the circumstances of this tragic incident but nevertheless not complied with by the resort operator and/or boat operator, then the family of the deceased should be pressing for criminal charges to be filed by our law enforcement authorities against those responsible for this tragic death while at the same time arranging for appropriate civil actions to be filed.

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