Tribune Staff Reporter
OFFICIALS are reviewing how the Revenue Enhancement Task Force conducts itself when checking whether businesses are complying with the law after a video of law enforcement officers entering CBS Bahamas with guns on Monday went viral.
Press Secretary Keishla Adderley said: “Let me hasten to say that obviously, the task force has a job to do in its assessment.”
“The security is a part of what is being considered, even though that business may have considered it overbearing. But going forward again it is being reviewed and that show of force is only expected to be shown if there is a need, if that is warranted.”
Brent Burrows II, CBS Bahamas’ vice-president of retail and sales, complained that a task force of about 10 government agents, including Royal Bahamas Defence Force officers, visited his store and employed “intimidation tactics.”
“This was an eye-opening event for me, and it should be for the rest of the business community as well,” he said on social media.
“We are slowly but surely continuing to trend in a direction that is increasingly hostile for Bahamian businesses. Regulatory burdens aside, the intimidation tactics employed during routine checks only serve to create an atmosphere of fear and distrust.”
“We need to address these practices to ensure that businesses are not made to feel under siege, but are encouraged to thrive and contribute positively to our economy. It’s crucial for the business community and government to work together to foster a supportive and transparent environment.”
He questioned the show of force and asked if businesses could get a courtesy call ahead of time.
“Shouldn’t efforts be focused on businesses that have a history of non-compliance or issues rather than those that consistently follow the rules?” he asked. “Not only was CBS visited, but just about every other business operating in SouthWest Plaza.”
TalRussell 6 months, 1 week ago
This was not a good lookin' day for the Officials who were 'collectively' behind the Revenue Enhancement Task Force's armed materialization conduct when checking whether businesses were complying with the law. -- “Let me hasten to say that obviously, Press Secretary Keishla Adderley, so loved watching Monday's action video of law enforcement officers entering CBS Bahamas armed with machine guns--that she has it set on automatic replay. -- Yes?
hj 6 months, 1 week ago
Some DIR and ministry of finance officials looks like they have the attitude of slave owners talking to their properies. Since everything is electronically filed all they have to do is check their computers. If clarifications are needed they can always contact the companies. If something illegal is found then they can take legal action. This aggressive and ghetto mentality of guns and intimidation will do more harm than good.
bahamianson 6 months, 1 week ago
Government reviewing government. Ok, I can see where this is going. The only place were governmental reps seem united in on tv in the house of assembly. Otherwise, they are all disconnected, and oblivious to what happens in their own portfolio.
SP 6 months, 1 week ago
The PLP in action! No one will ever forget the police abuse on Paradise Island bridge of Paradise Beach vendors under Perry Christie!
The brutal draconian measures taken by the police in controlling the demonstrators is representative of the PLP philosophy.
mandela 6 months, 1 week ago
There should be no reason for armed government gangster and gang members going to check anything in a public store with guns blaring, what are they going to shoot the computer or persons working in the store or shoot the customers, these type of action when looked at closely is just how dictatorship begins. Brave Davis and this government should be ashamed of them selves, they act like goons and wonder why the public doesn't trust or like them. This type of action only gets you voted out.
Porcupine 6 months, 1 week ago
I don't think they care. I believe they have already gotten what they want, and now it is a matter of covering their getaway.
Socrates 6 months, 1 week ago
we have a big spend government in a country with limitrd resources.. what ese do you expect but aggressuve tax collection and mob style tactics to let you know what to expect if your paperwork is wrong.
SP 6 months, 1 week ago
The protests in Kenya is a mirror for the PLP! They are taxing Bahamians into the streets.
hrysippus 6 months ago
If you ask a mason to build a house then he will build that house using blocks. If you ask a carpenter to build a house then he will build that house using wood. If you ask a man whose profession revolves around using firearms to head up a tax collection entity then perhaps we should not be surprised that he uses firearms to do so. Sigh...
DWW 6 months ago
it is exactly like a mob shakedown to collect the weekly 'protection money'. insidious and unacceptable. this is the kind of action you can expect to see in a struggling backward economy of a a backwater african nation THIS IS NOT AN example of 'leading forward thinking people focused progressive government. This is not progressive it is repressive and the parties new name is the RLP.
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