Jaydian Smith making his presence felt in Taiwan

Jaydian Smith

Jaydian Smith


Chief Sports Editor


JAYDIAN Smith could have easily stayed in the United States and made his presence felt at the collegiate level. But he decided to take his talents to Asia where he is competing for Chien Hsin University of Science and Technology in Taiwan.

Before he went to Taiwan, Smith played basketball for the St John’s College Giants, Hope Academy and the CC Sweeting Cibras.

He left The Bahamas in grade 11 to complete high school in Canada where he attended Sa-Hali Secondary School in British Columbia.

The 6-foot, 8-inch forward then went to Strength and Motion Prep Academy in San Antonio, Texas where he earned an athletic scholarship to attend St Petersburg Junior College in St Petersburg, Florida.

This past year, Smith decided to play with CHU. After topping the league standings with just one loss during the regular season,they advanced to the sudden-death final, only to suffer their second defeat.

“It’s a different culture. You have to adjust to their culture and stuff like that,” Smith said. “It wasn’t easy making it to the championship because we had to play against bigger and tougher teams.

“We had guys like the African guys, who are much bigger and taller. It wasn’t an easy road to the championship ,but we got there.”

For Smith, there could have been more adjustments made to his new environment, but he was quite satisfied with the outcome of his season.

“I had a good season this year. a good season,” proclaimed Smith, about playing in the collegiate league. “In the Taiwan College League, some of the guys are smaller than the US college players.

“But they are fast, so you just have to adjust to the fast pace and the different set of rules.”

With the season finished, Smith took a break to come home to spend time with his family and friends.

“It’s great to be back home. I was missing a lot of food and stuff like that,” said Smith, who couldn’t help but digest some conch and seafood. “It was also good to enjoy Mother’s Day at home.”

He honored his mother, Gia Culmer, along with his father Dennis ‘Chuckie’ Smith, the owner and captain of the Silent Partner, which sail in the various sloop boat sailing competitions.

Smith, 21, will be leaving on Sunday to return to Taiwan. He’s eager to get back because he has some summer games to participate in with CHU before the season starts with the new school year in August.

“We have some teams coming in from the US to play against our teams, so we have to get ready for those scrimmages,” Smith pointed out. “I just have to work on my shooting and ball handling.”

Like in the US college system, Sith can waive his eligibility and go on and play professionally. But he admitted that he wants to stick around and gain some more exposure and experience at college before he ventures into the pro ranks.

“I still want to be a student and see how I can figure out what it is I want to do after college,” said Smith, who is currently studying foreign languages where it;is mandatory for him to take on some Chinese lessons. “It ain’t easy, but I’m working on it.”

Hopefully by the time he’s done with college, Smith said he will be fluent in Mandarin Chinese, the official language spoken in Asia and Taiwan to be more specific.

No doubt, he will also be in a position to launch his pro basketball career in Europe, if he doesn’t get anything sorted out in the National Basketball Association (NBA) or its D-League in the United States of America.

And if the opportunity presents itself, Smith said he would certainly like to offer his skills to play for the men’s national basketball team, if not this year, some time in the very near future.


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