Appeal to give and help end hunger

EDITOR, The Tribune.

TRYING to end hunger is like trying to hold the wind in the palm of your hand. But if we can’t end it, we can't ease the pain of those who suffer.

Every can of food, 5lb bag of rice or other non-perishable item donated to the Bahamas Feeding Network helps to ensure that a child does not go to bed crying because her stomach is empty, or a teen does not join a gang lured by the promise of a reward for every hit or delivery. Every donation, financial or in supplies, brings relief to a senior too proud to tell his children that his cupboard is bare, he is hungry, and the next pension cheque is a week away.

Please donate to the Bahamas Feeding Network, the NGO founded in 2013 that has been providing food for more than 100 churches, feeding centres and soup kitchens. Please, imagine if it were your child who could not focus in school because their stomach aches from hunger or your elderly parent too proud to beg for help. Hunger hurts. We may not be able to catch the wind in the palm of our hands but together, we can work to wipe out hunger in our little community.


Volunteer, Bahamas Feeding Network, Fox Hill Road, two doors south of the police station.

May 17, 2024


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