Tribune Digital Editor
The Free National Movement is calling for an immediate and "full-throated" rebuke of Financial Secretary Simon Wilson after his volatile exchange with a reporter at a press briefing today.
In a statement, FNM Chairman Dr Duane Sands said the public was shocked and horrified to see the "dismissive, aggressive and belligerent posture of the most senior civil servant in the Ministry of Finance".
He further called for Mr Wilson to undergo mandatory anger management therapy or conflict resolution training in addition to a mandatory suspension or dismissal from his duties.
Dr Sands said: "Today’s spectacle reminded the country of the former PM’s (Perry Christie) famous ‘flipping of the bird” – a sure sign of insight into their acknowledgement that this administration’s days, like Christie’s – are numbered."
The FNM chairman was referring to an incident in 2017 when then-Prime Minister Perry Christie ‘flipped the bird’ during a PLP election campaign event. Mr Christie made the gesture during an explanation of his response to allegations that he owned condominiums appropriated from his position of power. At the time, Mr Christie faced ridicule and criticism for the obscene gesture and has previously expressed “regret" for the reaction.
During the weekly briefing at the Office of the Prime Minister today, Financial Secretary Simon Wilson took issue with a question posed by Nassau Guardian reporter Youri Kemp, who claimed the government official had lied about a previous financial matter.
Mr Wilson was visibly angered by the claim and began to berate the reporter during the live press conference, eventually walking off the platform and approaching Mr Kemp, who was still seated. Mr Wilson, as he was held back by Economic Affairs Minister Michael Halkitis, told Mr Kemp: "I will walk out here and wait for you".
For his part, Dr Sands said Mr Wilson was unable to pivot from the question, lost his composure and became physically threatening.
"All of this played out on live TV," Dr Sands continued.
"It can only be imagined how many of our young people watched the shocking, unacceptable display. The Davis Cooper administration has had an increasingly dictatorial and dismissive posture toward the fourth estate. The level of intimidation shown today seems to be indicative of the contempt felt for the press – a view that the media is to be purchased and controlled or silenced."
Dr Sands added: "The media’s right to be free from intimidation by those who hold power is sacred in a liberal democracy."
Porcupine 9 months, 2 weeks ago
Liar is not worst word to accurately describe the character of those in Bahamian government. I can think of 36 right off the top of my head. None of which can be printed in the paper.
birdiestrachan 9 months, 2 weeks ago
Doc sands should be ashamed of himself making this political the reporter showed disrespect
Porcupine 9 months, 2 weeks ago
Birdie, I think it can be concluded that you are not a real person.
observer2 9 months, 2 weeks ago
I feel sorry for this reporter. Any business license, national insurance, national health, town planning permits, Vat returns, drivers licenses, import customs duties, government contracts, real property taxes, bank accounts gonna get mess right up.
This is what the negro means by “I will walk out here and wait for you".
Y’all need to shut and pay ya taxes because we all touchable by dis set of ppl. You need to be foreign to get any crumbs in dis country.
ExposedU2C 9 months, 2 weeks ago
Truth be told, Simple Simon has outrightly told so many untruths to the press and public over the years that he fully deserves to be called out for what he truly is, i.e., nothing but a liar, and an ill-tempered one at that!
As a government official the bar is naturally higher for Simple Simon to behave with decorum and not lowly stoop to threatening or intimidating any member of the public, including any member of the free press who happens to be understandably frustrated by the countless well-documented instances in which Simple Simon has been caught telling bald-faced lies.
If Davis had a "real pair" as opposed to a "rat-sized pair" he would have long ago told thin-skinned Simple Simon to submit his resignation letter or, better still, sign up for a tour of duty in Haiti where he could unleash his pent-up violence in combatting violent gang members.
And The Tribune should be writing an official letter to the Office of The Prime Minister complaining of Simple Simon's unwarranted threatening behaviour towards one of its reporters and citing specific examples of the numerous occasions on which Simple Simon has outrightly lied to the free press and the public it represents.
ExposedU2C 9 months, 2 weeks ago
Simon Wilson lacks the temperament and demeanor necessary to properly and fairly discharge his responsibilities and duties as Financial Secretary. No individual Bahamian or enterprise conducting business in The Bahamas should be subject to decisions made by a government official who has a short fuse and is incapable of controlling his or her anger and rage. This is especially true in the case of a Financial Secretary who is likely to be prone to abusing his office to make life extremely difficult and miserable for anyone that he may choose to target in a malicious or vindictive way for the purpose of satisfying his innate uncontrollable rage and anger.
ThisIsOurs 9 months, 2 weeks ago
"He further called for Mr Wilson to undergo mandatory anger management therapy or conflict resolution training in addition to a mandatory suspension or dismissal from his duties"
Someone needs to intervene. Noone is helping him by putting this on Youri made me do it. What some other reporter should be investigating is whether this behaviour is truly out of character or is it something staff are regularly subjected to with no recourse. The best thing his friends can advise him to do is, take a month break and go to anger management classes. It will be beneficial to him in the long run.
BONEFISH 9 months, 2 weeks ago
Unprofessional.The Financial Secretary should issue an immediate apology. He should have shown restraint and be the bigger man in this situation.
The media here and the social pundits in social media here are unaware of the history between these two men. The bad blood and animosity seems from their working together at the Ministry of Finance. The media here in the Bahamas is rarely get the whole story.
As for Dr.Sands, certain elements within his party the FNM,has run a relentless smear campaign against the Financial Secretary. A senor FNM politician used his pull with Punch tabloid to plant some untrue stories about the Financial Secretary.The one I always remember was the accusation that he and a senior PLP politician shared the commision money from the purchase of the Damen patrol boats for the RBDF. A big shot person told me that was very untrue.
ThisIsOurs 9 months, 2 weeks ago
Apologies are hard, especially when the apology is called for because someone offended you and your response to the offense was less than ideal. Now you are obligated to humble yourself to the person who offended you as they gloat. The very definition of difficult. But that is what you sometimes have to do.
The statement given by Mr Wilson was reported as an apology but it was anything but ss he apologized to everybody except the person whom he offended. That's not an apology
sheeprunner12 9 months, 2 weeks ago
Simon Wilson was FS under Christie & Davis ............... Minnis put him in a corner office at Central Bank.
Wonder why?????????
Now we know ......................
ThisIsOurs 9 months, 2 weeks ago
Dr Minnis is alledged to have sidelined many people some of them good workers. That action says more about Minnis than the person sidelined . His party chairman when asked what type of person the party was looking for leadership race candidates said "we dont need any petty people", it was clearly a reference to Dr Minnis. I cringe to think what further disruptive snipper behaviour will be seen after Sarurdays vote
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