Munroe denies role in cocaine scheme

National Security Minister Wayne Munroe.

National Security Minister Wayne Munroe.


Tribune Staff Reporter


NATIONAL Security Minister Wayne Munroe said he is not the “high-ranking politician” who was allegedly expected to authorise Bahamian law enforcement officials to facilitate a cocaine trafficking scheme to the United States for $2 million.

“I have not received $2m,” he told The Tribune. “I have not been asked to accommodate any wrongdoing. I have not offered to accommodate any wrongdoing, and I state that categorically.”

A federal indictment by the United States District Court Southern District of New York said Chief Superintendent Elvis Curtis, one of eleven Bahamians charged in the case, indicated that “in exchange for $2m USD, a high-ranking Bahamian politician, whom Curtis named, would authorise the assistance and involvement of Bahamian law enforcement officials –– including armed RBPF officers –– in facilitating and ensuring cocaine shipments...”

The indictment does not clarify to whom CSP Curtis said this.

Mr Munroe, who is currently attending a CARICOM Securities Ministers meeting in St Kitts, said whether the politician’s identity is disclosed will depend on whether the US communicates the matter confidentially or not.

“The prime minister is dealing directly with that aspect of it and I would prefer to defer to him for that,” he said. “But I know that in some of these law enforcement matters, information is given to you on the basis that you do not disclose it.”

The indictment has elevated scrutiny of the police force and has raised questions about whether Police Commissioner Clayton Fernander is fit to lead the organisation amid shaken public trust in the institution.

Asked about Commissioner Fernander’s future, Mr Munroe said: “I think the simple answer to it is, as put by the prime minister, we’re going to be holding everyone accountable. This is a very serious matter. It is said, if you read the indictment, that it began in May of 2021 and that preceeded the time that this present administration came in before Mr Fernander took the chair.

“All I would say is, you judge the head of an organisation by how they react to things like this, and so you may have bad apples in every organisation and you judge the leadership by how they react to it, and so he will be judged by how he reacts to it, just as no doubt the public will judge us by how we react to it.”

Mr Munroe said the RBPF had shown a willingness to hold officers accountable.

“What would be reprehensible is if police officers were doing things that were wrong and the police force was covering up for them,” he said. “What is being demonstrated is the police force isn’t covering up for persons.”


IslandWarrior 3 months, 1 week ago

Bahamian Corruption Crisis Gone Global

The allegations of corruption within Bahamian law enforcement, including the involvement of a "high-ranking politician" in facilitating drug trafficking as detailed in a U.S. federal indictment, highlight a critical moment for the nation. These issues erode public trust in local governance and draw international scrutiny, threatening The Bahamas' reputation on the global stage. This crisis reflects a broader pattern of systemic corruption and inefficiency, as outlined in numerous international reports that have long highlighted corruption as a pervasive issue in the country.

According to Section 4 of the U.S. Department of State’s reports, corruption in The Bahamas extends beyond isolated incidents. These reports cite instances of cronyism, kickbacks, bribery, and organized criminal activity involving senior immigration officials. Allegations of bribery schemes to sell passports and visas, as well as accusations of immigration officers soliciting bribes for better treatment of detained migrants, paint a troubling picture of systemic failures. The reports further highlight the government's inability to enforce contract and procurement laws effectively, with limited application of conflict-of-interest and anti-corruption clauses. Nepotism, exemplified by a government corporation chairman awarding a contract to his daughter, underscores the deep entrenchment of favouritism within the system. Additionally, the lack of regulation in campaign finance systems leaves the door wide open for quid pro quo donations, further entrenching corruption.

The Church Hill Project is another stark example of the consequences of allowing domestic corruption to fester unchecked. In this case, Bahamian-linked criminal activities spilt over into Canada, exposing how local failures can create international complications. Similarly, reports like the U.S. Department of State’s Investment Climate Statement and International Narcotics Control Strategy Report have consistently highlighted financial crimes and governance issues, further corroborating the notion that The Bahamas struggles with addressing corruption at its core.

These revelations point to a cultural problem where corruption and inefficiency are often tolerated or ignored until they escalate into crises that draw global attention. The current situation, involving alleged collusion between law enforcement and political figures, exemplifies this dynamic. It underscores the urgent need for systemic reform to prevent The Bahamas from being defined by these recurring scandals.

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IslandWarrior 3 months, 1 week ago

From critical domestic concerns—such as the state of healthcare at PMH, infrastructural inefficiencies, and shortages in essential services—to international controversies, these issues are interconnected and symptomatic of a broader governance crisis. The culture of turning a blind eye to corruption has not only weakened national institutions but has also allowed criminal activities to transcend borders, tarnishing the country’s international standing.

To address these challenges, The Bahamas must commit to a comprehensive approach that tackles corruption and inefficiency at every level. This includes enforcing anti-corruption laws, strengthening conflict-of-interest regulations, improving transparency in public procurement, and regulating campaign finance. Moreover, fostering a culture of accountability within public institutions is critical to restoring both domestic and international trust.

The government’s response to the current crisis will serve as a litmus test for its commitment to reform. While addressing these allegations with integrity and transparency is paramount, the government must also recognize that this is part of a broader issue requiring sustained attention and action. Only by breaking the cycle of neglect and addressing the root causes of corruption can The Bahamas secure its place as a nation of integrity, progress, and respect on the world stage.

DonAnthony 3 months, 1 week ago

I don’t know. Wayne seems to be sweating a lot and his eyes are red.

IslandWarrior 3 months, 1 week ago

Yeah, you don't know Wayne ...hahaha

whatsup 3 months, 1 week ago

Why won't The Tribune allow comments on certain articles? What happened to free speech?? hahaha

TalRussell 3 months, 1 week ago

Actually, the Tribune practices considerable liberalism when it comes to allowing comments. -- Yes?

ThisIsOurs 3 months, 1 week ago

It een Chester, it een Munroe, I didnt hear the PM say "it wasnt me", but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. And then I will ask what PM could remain in office with a scandal of this massive scale happening under his nose? Munroe claims they wo r.c king on a legislation to stop these kind of abuses and have been doing so for two years. Well why did they allow JDL? Because that seems to be a direct shot in the foot to any drug smuggling legislation they could possibly produce.

Nothing anyone who's said something has said makes an iota of sense.

This the same mulberry bush that growing wild and popping up everywhere that allowed police officers to claim they couldnt stop Nygard from removing his assets, in contravention of a court order, because the gate was locked and had Gary Wang getting an emergency passport from the US Embassy because police officers "could" not, (the sky was green that day limiting search capabilities) return his passport to allow him to go and testify against Sam

birdiestrachan 3 months, 1 week ago

I believe Mr Munroe only a fool would take part in this foolishness, that man could call any body name it does not mean that they have done anything wrong the USA courts has not named the person if they have any evidence on any politician they will say so,

pileit 3 months, 1 week ago

Please carry your PLP lobotomized arse... noone wants to hear your nonsense

Porcupine 3 months, 1 week ago

You don't think birdie. You only rattle your teeth. Just a bird brain. Only a fool, are most of the PLP

hj 3 months, 1 week ago

It does not matter if you are personally implicated. It has been going on for 3 years, and in most of this time you were minister of national security, and you see nothing wrong with it? So that means you either do not care or you are too incompetent to do this job. Also i noticed you and your colleagues are already setting up the stage so you will not "rat" on your clleague who took the money. If that is the case you are the same as him even if you are not personally involved.

killemwitdakno 3 months, 1 week ago

where'd the like button go

hj 3 months, 1 week ago

It looks like they were caught off guard this time. Have you noticed how they were running around yesterday like headless chickens outside the HOA? Maybe some of them will be cancelling their shopping trips to Miami this time. Why take a chance?

TalRussell 3 months, 1 week ago

My source says a dangerous individual known as “Comrade Don T” has elevated to US Federal officials as to connections to Bahamian officials -- In facilitating drug trafficking Bahamas to US.-- No wonder some have felt the need to armed themselves. -- My source says, might want to take a relook at the backgrounds of Bahamians who have or may voluntarily and suddenly taken flight. -- Yes?

Baha10 3 months, 1 week ago

Bottomline … Resignations required all round irrespective of involvement and prosecution as “not knowing” is as damming as “involvement if in charge and occurs on one’s watch!

birdiestrachan 3 months, 1 week ago

When people are punished because their names are called if there is evidence then present it but just calling some one name means nothing especially to the wise in the Bahamas his name might have been called because of his position Mr munroe could earn 2 million in private practice. In his law profession.

TalRussell 3 months, 1 week ago

@ComradeBirdie, If the US truly hadn't enjoined neither the Premiership, Security and Foreign Affairs, AG nor colony's COP. -- Into their extensive criminal investigation. -- Doesn't it speak volumes as to how the US has come to see the colony as an ally that can't be trusted to look at investigative files''. -- Yes?

Baha10 3 months, 1 week ago

The Gangsters’ Lawyer is in a real bind… and can’t claim Attorney/Client on this one where lack of knowledge is almost as damming as knowledge!

SP 3 months, 1 week ago

This is no surprise to anyone. The fact that the indictment began in May of 2021 preceding the time that this present PLP administration came in, also confirms that the problem is systemic across the political aisle!

Don't just blame the PLP. The FNM are just as guilty.

birdiestrachan 3 months, 1 week ago

Even in hotel rooms they may have machines recording what they say. Secret agents on the beach in the churches . They may even be in your bath rooms. Ask Frederick Forsyth all this in real life.

rosiepi 3 months, 1 week ago

The indictment details that the officers involved said the senior gov’t official would receive $2M to facilitate this conspiracy for smuggling the upcoming drug shipment, not that he had received the monies. This statement falls under the heading of those who feel the need/pressure to talk too much.

TalRussell 3 months, 1 week ago

@ComradeRosiepi, the weakness of your argument is the US Court judge and the FBI, -- Damn well know who this senior Bahamian official is and everything there is to know about them and has associated with and hung out with since birth, including their bank accounts balances and is a She or a He. -- And at this late stage, its hard to believe that the colony's premiership is still being kept in the dark.* -- Yes?

Baha10 3 months, 1 week ago

… literally “no one” here can be trusted … very sad state of affairs and an embarrassing reflection of what 51 years of independence has landed us!

ThisIsOurs 3 months ago

So let me get this straight, someone is being monitored by authorities and bases on recorded communication is indicted for planning to receive money to kill someone. The investigators arrest them after they get the evidence of intent. Your theory is because the murder never happened the person is innocent?

Its called "conspiracy to commit.."

TalRussell 3 months, 1 week ago

I mean it's just not possible to go back to get into the minds as to what members around the cabinet table whatever days ago were thinking when they as the colony's collective governing body. -- But they had to have decided upon how best to respond to the Florida and CID matters -- Either of which has the potential to inflict serious damage to their resounding 2021 Governance Mandate. -- Supposedly, they're seasoned politicians and with moderate ranges of intelligences. -- Yes?

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