Are our politicians patriotic?

EDITOR, The Tribune. 

PATRIOTISM, which is love for or devotion to one’s country, appears to be lacking in the hearts of many of our present day and past politicians - all to the detriment of the Bahamian people. Deep inside many Bahamians know that things should be different - better. Many probably haven’t been able to put their finger on why things haven’t changed for the better. Why we’re stagnant in so many areas after all these decades. Why the more things change, the more they stay the same.

Could it be the lack of patriotism in most of those we’ve elected over the years? The proof seems to be in the pudding.

When elected politicians are unpatriotic, life is made harder for citizens. They are taxed on almost every and anything. Taxes are placed on medicine and bread basket items of struggling citizens dry eyed. Who cares? Not the unpatriotic politician.

Unpatriotic politicians place individuals who are friends, families and lovers in positions they are clearly unqualified for. Why? Ensuring the placement of qualified individuals to guarantee the progress of the nation, is not something an unpatriotic politician would concern themselves with.

Unpatriotic politicians couldn’t care less about the maintenance of infrastructure (buildings, roads, power supplies, water). Tax monies are spent lavishly and foolishly on things that do not benefit the citizenry of the country. Rather, it’s spent on things that benefit the unpatriotic politicians and their cronies. Citizens could cry out for water or electricity in the ears of the unpatriotic politicians for as long or as loud as they can. The unpatriotic politician will see to the problem when they are good and ready. Sadly, even after they see to the problem, the solution is most often a temporary fix. The comfort and essentials of the citizenry is of no importance to an unpatriotic politician.

Unpatriotic politicians will sell off the land and birthright of its citizens without a second thought. Lining and greasing their own pockets are of more importance.

Citizens are treated with disregard and often have their intelligence insulted without shame or fear of repercussion by the unpatriotic politician.

Unpatriotic politicians are slack on immigration. The protection of citizenship or sovereignty is of no importance to them. Rather, citizens are treated as second or third-class in their own country. Foreigners come first.

Unpatriotic politicians are entitled. They talk a good game yet rarely deliver. Their heart is not for the people or country. Rather, their hearts are for whatever benefits themselves, their friends, families and lovers. How unfortunate for the rest of us.

Sounds like most of our past and present-day politicians? Of course it does...




September 30, 2024.


zephyr 3 hours, 50 minutes ago

Our Bahamian politicians are very patriotic toward the colonial mentality... They are the neo-colonialists - or colonialists repackaged in The Bahamas; they are forever indifferent to the needs of the commoners - so to speak.

https://damesonline.blogspot.com/2024/0…">The neo-colonialists run The Bahamas, and they are quite content with the status quo

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