Deleveaux: No charges to be brought against officer that shot family’s dog

DEPUTY Police Commissioner Leamond Deleveaux during a meeting of the Rotary Club of West Nassau at Poop Deck at Sandyport yesterday. Photo: Dante Carrer

DEPUTY Police Commissioner Leamond Deleveaux during a meeting of the Rotary Club of West Nassau at Poop Deck at Sandyport yesterday. Photo: Dante Carrer


Tribune Staff Reporter 


DEPUTY Commissioner of Police Leamond Deleveaux said “no charges will be brought against the officers” involved in the tragic shooting of a family’s dog four months ago, a decision that has left the owner, Silvan Ferguson, angry.

When Tiana Ferguson opened her home door to the police in June, allowing her dog, Milo, to escape outside, she was unable to restrain the animal before an officer shot and killed him. A viral video captured the chaotic aftermath, showing officers roughing up her father, Mr Ferguson after he became emotional.

Mr Deleveaux, who oversees the Complaints and Corruption Branch of the Royal Bahamas Police Force, had promised to shed light on the investigation’s findings, assuring the public they would be “advised and informed” when it concludes.

Mr Deleveaux said little about the case yesterday but confirmed its conclusion.

Mr Ferguson said: “It’s not fair to know that they came into my house unexpectedly. It wasn’t the house they were supposed to come to, and they’re not going to be held accountable for it.

“To me, it was not fair at all during the investigation. It shows me that the police can do whatever they want and get away with it.”

Mr Ferguson said police officials contacted him a month after the incident, asking if his daughter could identify the shooter, but he had not heard from them before The Tribune’s revelation to him yesterday.

“The police had no reason for being up by my place,” he said. “They came looking for somebody in an ankle bracelet who doesn’t live in my place.”


truetruebahamian 3 months ago

The officer should be held accountable.

birdiestrachan 3 months ago

This is unfortunate, one may say the dog should have been restrained, before the door was opened, is there A penalty for killing a ?. , I Know some people love their dogs a lot, sorry for their loss,

mandela 3 months ago

This is the reason we have a lot of unsolved murders in our communities, the stupid, dumb police gang abuse the very people they need to trust and work with them. The worst legal gang in the word is a police force.

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