No bail granted for man accused of last week’s Sunset Park murder


Tribune Staff Reporter


A MAN was remanded into custody yesterday after he was accused of fatally shooting a young man in his car outside his home near Sunset Park last week.

Chief Magistrate Roberto Reckley arraigned Delvon Pinder, 23, on murder.

Pinder’s co-accused, Juliusia Rolle, 24, faced a separate charge of accessory after the fact to murder.

Pinder and an accomplice allegedly ambushed, shot and killed Matio Delancy as he sat in his car outside his residence on Vanria Avenue on October 5.

The victim in this matter was in his 20s.

That day, Rolle allegedly harboured a suspect in this matter, knowing they were wanted for murder and allowing them to evade arrest.

The defendants were informed that their matter would proceed to the Supreme Court through a voluntary bill of indictment (VBI).

Rolle stood calmly during his arraignment.

Tonique Lewis, his attorney, said her client is employed and the mother of two young children in her bail application. Ms Lewis said the defendant also had no priors.

Ms Rolle’s bail was set at $9,500 with one or two sureties. The defendant must sign in at the Carmichael Road Police Station every Monday, Wednesday and Friday by 7pm.

The magistrate told Pinder that due to the grave nature of his charge, he could not be granted bail, but he had the right to apply for it through the higher court.

David Cash, Pinder’s attorney, claimed that his client suffered a one-and-a-half-inch abrasion under his left eye and a half-inch abrasion to his knee while in custody. Mr Cash also asked that his client be allowed a moment with his grandmother before he is taken into remand at the Bahamas Department of Correctional Services.

The chief magistrate granted this request, for which Pinder thanked him.

The VBIs in this matter are set for service on February 27, 2025.

Inspector Deon Barr served as the prosecutor.

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