Dawn Charlton earns pro card


Chief Sports Editor


AFTER having her fitness pro card rescinded because of a mistake by the judges about five years ago, ageless wonder brains and beauty Dawn Charlton could have easily packed her bags and left the sport.

But she pressed on, switching to the bikini class three years ago and on Saturday night, she finally got redemption as she rightfully earned her pro card at the MPC North American Championships at the Sheraton Grand Hotel in Pittsburgh.

The aspiring lawyer competed in the bikini category D against 14 other competitors in the show which got started on Wednesday wirth the male competition and Thursday it was fitness and figure. 

The bikini and wellness wrapped it up on Saturday. 

In total, more 100-150 pro cards were presented. 

Charlton, who declined to reveal her age, said she was thrilled to finally get the pro card as the first Bahamian bikini competitor after she competed in her fourth competition for the year. In addition to winning the pro card, she returned to the stage for the overall posedown and  she also won that title as well on Saturday night. 

“This year was dedicated to getting my pro card,” Charlton said. “I set out this year to accomplish getting my pro card. I’m just happy that I finally got it.”

On Wednesday, Charlton is expected to return home, having completed her mission. She was coming off her last show in Medellin, Colombia in July where she won her category, but she didn’t win overall. The Pittsburgh show, she noted, was her redemption show. Prior to that, she was second in the Arnold Classic in March and she went to Canada in June where she was third. After winning her category in Medellin, Charlton felt the only thing left was earning the pro card. “There were about 16 of us, but I really didn’t see anybody,” Charlton said. “I was there to work. I was there to get my pro card. I was just prepared because I really want to go to Mr Olympia, which is the most important show of all.

“I didn’t look left or right when I stepped out on the stage. I knew what I had to do and I went out there and did it.”

With no time to celebrate or bask in her glory, Charlton said her focus is now on her first competition as a pro competitor at the Battle of the Bodies in Fort Lauderdale, Florida on September 14.

“I am trying to qualify for Mr Olympia. There is no time to rest,” she stated. “I got some feedback from the head judge, who is also the head judge for Mr Olympia, She told me she loves my presentation and my physique, so there’s really no need to change anything.”

After competing in the sport about a decade ago, Charlton said about five years ago, she was awarded her pro card as a fitness competitor. The performance was splashed all over the news.

But unfortunately, by the time she got back home to celebrate, Charlton said she was informed by the organizers that they made a mistake and they rescinded the decision.

“I could have easily stopped comperting after that because it was so devastating,” Charlton said. “But three years ago, I decided to get into the bikini class and now I have gotten my pro card again. This one is for sure. The judges assured me of that.”

While she’s strutting her skills on stage, Charlton is also working hard at securing her law degree. She just completed her bachelors in law and is now a legal assistant. She hopes to continue her education towards completing her goal as a lawyer by either enrolling in a UK school or to stay home and attend the Eugene Dupuch School. 

“You have to dream big and to hold onto these dreams,” he pointed out.

Charlrton thanked her mother, Mavis Charlton, her coach Paul Revelia from the United States; her mentor Joel Stubbs, past president of the Bahamas Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation president; her team of supporters at Mac Fit where she train and all of her supporters who were there for her when the time she started competing.

With her pro card secured, Chsrlton said she’s reaching out to the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture for some financial assistance by putting her on subvention to continue to compete at a high level of competition.

She noted that although there are3 athletes who are all making their presence felt in track and field, she wants everyone to know that the bodybuilders are right up there performing on the world stage and they need some financial support as well.

“All of these shows that I competed in, I did them with my own resources and some sponsorship that I received,” she noted. “But now that I got my pro card, it;s only going to get harder to compete, so I really could use all of the financial support I can get.”


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