Developer should fix Pinewood

EDITOR, The Tribune.

ANOTHER rainy weekend has again resulted in massive flooding in Pinewood Gardens. While the rapacious land developers who designed this unfortunate Subdivision are dining on fine food and drinking vintage wines, the poor residents of Pnewood are labouring in vain trying to get the water out of their dream homes which have become perpetual nightmares,

Again everyone is asking when is the government going to do something about the situation. My question is why should the burdened taxpayer be responsible for fixing something that is the responsibility of an uncaring land developer,

Then my thoughts turn to the recent loud cries for reparations for slavery, and I ask, why not reparations against unconscionable developers who have witnessed the suffering of the Pinewood residents for decades and have not seen fit to alleviate their misery’.

Surely some mechanism can be devised to make these people pay for the years of hardship, misery and penury they must be suffering because of this disaster of a subdivision and the disillusionment of a pleasant home of your own.



September 1, 2024.


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