Guilty plea for man who breached his bail


Tribune Staff Reporter


A MAN was found guilty yesterday of breaching his Supreme Court bail for firearm-related charges after failing to present a defence.

Senior Magistrate Raquel Whyms presided over Sean Miller Jr’s trial, where he faced eight counts of violating his bail conditions.

Miller reportedly breached his bail eight times between June 1 and 17.

After prosecutor Sergeant Wilkinson closed the case, Magistrate Whyms allowed Miller to speak in his defence, but he chose to remain silent.

Magistrate Whyms admonished Miller for wasting the court’s time by proceeding with a trial without presenting a defence. She also criticised him for not taking the opportunity to change his plea when the prosecution offered it.

Having found him guilty, Magistrate Whyms informed Miller that he would face a harsher sentence than if he had pleaded guilty earlier.

The sentence is expected to be delivered later this week.

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