Netherlands woman charged with growing magic mushrooms


Tribune Staff Reporter


A WOMAN from the Netherlands was granted bail yesterday after allegedly being caught growing and attempting to distribute magic mushrooms in Coral Harbour last week.

Senior Magistrate Shaka Serville arraigned 32-year-old Elike Hollink on charges of possession of dangerous drugs with intent to supply, possession of dangerous drugs, cultivation of dangerous drugs, and soliciting others for the purpose of selling dangerous drugs.

Hollink and her husband were reportedly found with a large quantity of psilocybin mushrooms in several containers during a drug bust at their residence at 7am on August 28.

She is also accused of trying to recruit others to participate in their drug operation.

Hollink appeared calm as she pleaded not guilty to all charges.

Prosecutor Inspector Cordero Farrington strongly objected to bail, citing the serious nature of the offence and the quantity of drugs seized.

However, Hollink’s attorney, Alex Morley, argued that his client was still a suitable candidate for bail and posed no flight risk.

Bail was set at $7,500 with one or two sureties. Hollink will be fitted with a monitoring device and must surrender her travel documents.

The trial is scheduled to begin on November 25.

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