Love Ya Dog: Marcella and Jasper

Marcella and Jasper

Marcella and Jasper

THE Tribune called on readers to join in our campaign to Love Ya Dog - and Marcella Dean answered the call.

Marcella emailed a picture of herself with her pet Jasper.

The pet schnauzer is three years old.

The Love Ya Dog campaign encourages dog owners to take care of their pets - and we are calling on readers to join in.

We want to encourage those who do treat their pets well to show them off - and by doing so letting others see a better way to treat their pets.

CARE TIP: When you take your dog to the beach, remember to bring water for him too, not just yourself, and a bowl for him to drink out of, keep the water cool like yours. Remember the sand gets very hot and he has no protection.

• Send us a picture of you with your dogs to loveyadog@tribunemedia.net to join the campaign and show that you Love Ya Dog.


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