Shipyard not as good as we’re told

EDITOR, The Tribune.

POLITICAL propaganda when it is not “totally accurate” is what? Why do we describe every thought or concept as World and Internationally famous before the concept even wriggles?

Grand Bahama Shipyard… the concept of this had and has considerable merit... Believe late Edward St George had his hand then the German Shipyard and someone convinced Carnival and RCL. With a guarantee of flow of cruise ships had to be good? Skilled labour?

GB does not have the skilled labour so you rely on transitional migrant labour brought in as required for job committed. The chances ever of having a 30 percent Bahamian labour force is a political dream... could happen but very much doubt it. Now the $3-400 maybe $500m investment...correction $300 plus million will be spent purchasing the two dry docks from a China source... so forget implying that was $5-600m investment in Grand Bahama... total rubbish.

The Davis government made an enormous mistake allowing Carnival Port to be a destination port… to assist GB it should be a ‘hub-port’ cruises starting - finishing in GB Solves the passenger count/$’s for the Airport…6000 a week through that would bring in good Passenger Service Charges...boost food suppliers and local producers of beverages etc...taxis-tours-hotels everyone.



August 30, 2024.


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