Artists union raises concerns on influx of entertainers entering the country


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE United Artists Bahamas Union (UABU) is raising alarms over the unchecked influx of foreign entertainers in the country and accusing the Bahamas Musicians and Entertainers Union (BMEU) of failing to monitor these acts.

UABU officials claimed yesterday that the BMEU prioritises collecting levies over ensuring proper checks on foreign artists, DJs, and their personnel who are entering The Bahamas for employment.

“All they want is levies, the money. Once they get that, they don’t check on anything,” said Leonardo Lincs Scavella, UABU’s secretary general. He added: “Entertainment is being used for illegal activities, and I suspect that some people in immigration don’t care, which is why this has been festering for so long.”

UABU president Anita Tynes said the union has been meeting with immigration and labour officials over the past year to address the issue.

However, she noted that outdated policies are preventing effective regulation of the music and entertainment industry.

Ms Tynes also called on Labour Minister Pia Glover-Rolle to halt the certification of the BMEU’s recent election, claiming the election was “unconstitutional.” She alleged that the BMEU’s current self-nominated and unopposed executives violated the BMEU Constitution and the Industrial Relations Act.

“There were no appointed committees for elections or nominations,” Ms Tynes said. “They were forced by the registrar to hold the election, and now they’re trying to push through certification without following proper procedures.”

Ms Tynes further criticised the BMEU for allegedly failing to protect the rights of Bahamian entertainers and mishandling its pension fund.

“They have been poor custodians of the pension fund designed for musicians in this country, refusing to answer critical questions regarding unauthorised loans to at least two custodians without the consent of pensioners,” she said.

The UABU is now pushing to be recognised as the legitimate union representing Bahamian musicians and entertainers, claiming 99 per cent of its membership are former BMEU members.

Mr Delaney, the registrar of trade unions, declined to comment yesterday, and BMEU executives could not be reached for a comment up to press time.


hrysippus 1 week, 3 days ago

Seems to be a whole lot of song and dance about not very much.

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