Call for public to build domestic violence shelter


Tribune Staff Reporter


KHANDI Gibson wants the public to join her in building a shelter for domestic violence victims, saying the government has had long enough to fulfil its promise to do so.

Ms Gibson, the president of Families of All Murder Victims (FOAM), said she had not received any update from the Minister of Social Services, Myles Laroda, regarding the shelter’s construction.

The shelter, intended for women and children who are victims of domestic violence, has faced several delays despite the Davis administration allocating $500,000 for it.

“As people often say, it takes a village,” she said. “Bahamian people, those abroad, anyone with a stake in this country, let’s stop waiting on the government. I am asking you to put your money where your mouth is.” 

FOAM has opened donation accounts for public contributions at JBR, Kelly’s, and Nassau Block Company.

Ms Gibson emphasised that she can no longer wait for the government to deliver on its promise.

She said her organisation is ready to move forward with the shelter to provide victims with the support they need. She said neither the Free National Movement nor the Progressive Liberal Party had shown urgency in addressing the issue. 

In June, Minister of Social Services Myles Laroda said the government expected to buy a building for the shelter by the end of the budget year, which concluded in June. He added during the budget debate in the House of Assembly that another shelter would be operated in collaboration with the Ministry of National Security and the Royal Bahamas Police Force’s domestic violence unit.

Attempts to obtain an update from the minister have been unsuccessful.


TalRussell 1 week, 3 days ago

How would you know if a female version of -- The Foundation with Comrade Howard Grant, gave you 'the razor-trimmed eyebrows look'. -- Yes?

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