Party spending

EDITOR, The Tribune.

SERIOUS now absolutely not interested in this childish exchange between the chair of one party etc… if he thinks anyone interested you gotta to be kidding… election time in The Bahamas is a time when those politically attracted make good money… canvassing etc etc, a very much gimme-time the candidate without cash he-she dead. You are expected to offer and pay the ‘demand of the potential supporter who tonight at one Rally will be red all over and tomorrow Gold! It’s an expensive carnival.

Say 180,000 voters…all parties spends $12,000,000.00 that is $60 plus per head. One party probably never collects as much as the other 2021 remember there was a clear injection of cash in August 21 was that the bitcoin-kid? Oh yes we acknowledge not illegal to donate any amount you like… but Editor if you do donate you want some favour. Feel sorry for Family Island candidates...could be a fund set aside to cover all Family Island candidates of course subject to audit and may not be transferred for use in Nassau.

If all parties say spend $16-18m what a waste - all you are doing is perpetrating potential future corruption. Yes, constructive discussions should occur.



August 30, 2024.


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