Downtown needs much improvement

EDITOR, The Tribune.

CABINET Ministers and Tourism Ministry officials all hail the increasing number of visitors too Nassau.

However, we desperately need to improve the appearance of our Downtown streets. The sidewalks are dirty and many are in urgent need of repair. Walking east on Bay Street is very off putting for visitors with the derelict state of the surroundings. It leaves a very bad impression. Having artists put up signs will do little to improve the appearance of our main street and surrounding areas.

We are told that the government is solving the drainage problem in downtown Nassau. Yet the water buildup during and after rainfalls is as bad as ever with parts of Bay Street and Dowdeswell Street flooded and almost impossible at times for both pedestrians and cars to manoeuvres. It remains a frightening situation for everyone in that area whether they are passing by in cars or trying to walk to businesses and homes. We need action in this regard and not just photo ops with local politicians.

We aspire to have a first class tourist product but, on many, fronts we are failing badly.



September 5, 2024.


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