NDP plan produced nothing

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I recall an extra-ordinary amount of work - consultation was done under PM Christie on the so-called National Development Plan... Dr Virgil Rolle she was chair now employed at I believe Lyford Cay Foundation… talk plenty of it… putting things in motion? Zilch, nothing.

Read this is to be resurrected Let sense prevail editor… don’t get into the micro-management proposal of the plan island-settlement- settlement but deal with sectors broadly as otherwise you will be talking til 2050 or longer example.

Header could be - Finance - fiscal policy - revenue…Tourism policy - expansion - quality- pricing... Health policy - covering expanded population - Family Islands - Critical and Elderly care… Immigration - work permits - Economic Migration of all varieties - Residence - policies strategies…Infrastructure - Utilities - development - cost effectiveness development/expansion...Education - policy - primary to secondary through university - improving grades - qualification... Economics - fiscal - Debt management - Revenue enhancement and control and maximising use.

These headers give everyone the profile… On a national level, don’t micro-manage, worse still politically manage - you will get nowhere.



September 3, 2024.


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