Valley Boys faction move immoral

EDITOR, The Tribune.

FIRST let me confess I am not a supporter nor am I a member of the Valley boys.

In observing this rift it demonstrates to me that this is simply a component of our Bahamian corrupt culture.

First, I will address the faction who claimed to register the group at the Registrar General Dept it is my opinion that as well intended as you have expressed it is pure wickedness and intellectually immoral.

I reached this conclusion based on fact that you admit the Valley did not have a constitution and there are no criteria to become an official member of this historic group.

This being the case what gives you and your faction the rights to go and register this historic group.

It is my view what should have happened before the registration was an agreement between all participants in the group. If the effort was made to come to a consensus or acceptable position on a criteria to define who’s a member of this historic group and it failed then your faction should have backed away from the registration.

What give you and your faction any moral ground to do that which you have done?

It is my view that the takeover was hostile using loopholes in the law, this does not make it morally right.

Having been permitted to register this group at the Registrar General Dept reminds me of the land acquisition laws in the Bahamas.

Persons who conscience permit them to hostile take people land knowing the only rights they have to it is laws that encourage dishonesty.

Let me make it very clear I have no horse in this race, my observation of the rift simply cause me much concern as to the immoral positions that Bahamians are prepared to take hiding behind the greater good.



September 5, 2024.


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