$3,000 fine for man who admitted to having drugs


Tribune Staff Reporter


A MAN was fined $3,000 after admitting to having 2.4lb of marijuana last month in New Providence.

Samuel Gibson, 30, appeared before Senior Magistrate Shaka Serville on charges of possessing dangerous drugs with intent to supply.

Gibson was found with 2.4 lbs of marijuana on August 8, which had an estimated street value of $2,400. He pleaded guilty to the charge.

During mitigation, Bjorn Ferguson, Gibson’s attorney, argued that marijuana is no longer considered a dangerous drug globally and should not be classified as such locally. He also pointed out that recent legislation allows the use of marijuana for religious purposes.

Mr Ferguson asked for leniency, emphasising that his client is capable of rehabilitation and should be spared a custodial sentence.

However, prosecutor Inspector Deon Barr noted that Gibson had a prior drug conviction from earlier this year.

Magistrate Serville imposed a $3,000 fine, with the alternative of six months in prison. Gibson will be released once the fine is paid.

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