Fitzgerald running a gift to FNM

EDITOR, The Tribune. 

As a supporter of the Free National Movement, I can’t help but view the Progressive Liberal Party’s rumored decision to run Jerome Fitzgerald in the next election as a gift wrapped with a bow. It seems the PLP is eager to hand us the next election by making the mistake of bringing a figure with a deeply controversial history back into the spotlight. While it’s clear that no one has definitively proven any legal wrongdoing, the perception and allegations surrounding Fitzgerald’s actions during his time in office are well remembered by the Bahamian people—and not in a favorable light.

Jerome Fitzgerald is most famously associated with the Baha Mar email scandal, where, as a Cabinet Minister, he was accused of attempting to secure contracts for his family’s businesses. Whether proven or not, the mere fact that these allegations were made created an image of self-interest and abuse of power that the PLP has struggled to shake off ever since. If the PLP decides to run Fitzgerald, it signals to the public that they have learned nothing from the past. This is not just bad optics—it’s political suicide.

The Bahamian electorate has shown time and time again that they have little patience for politicians who appear to be motivated by personal gain. Running Fitzgerald would do nothing but reinforce the perception that the PLP is still comfortable with the “all-for-me-baby” culture that many Bahamians are sick of. And, as a member of the FNM, I welcome that decision. It makes our job in the next election far easier because it hands us a clear narrative: while the PLP is content to recycle figures tainted by past allegations, the FNM is focused on putting the Bahamian people first.

If Brave and the PLP leadership need to seriously consider whether they want to take such a risk. Running Fitzgerald would not only damage their own credibility but also give the FNM a powerful talking point: that the PLP continues to prioritize loyalty to its old guard over the needs and interests of the Bahamian people.

It’s one thing to bring him back as a policy advisor, quietly tucked away in the background. But to parade him in front of the Bahamian people once again by running him as a candidate? That’s pushing their luck.

By all means, if the PLP wants to give us the next election on a silver platter, they should run Jerome Fitzgerald. The FNM will gladly remind the public of the controversies and allegations that have long dogged him. If they’re willing to bet their political future on Fitzgerald, we’re more than happy to collect the winnings.


September 10, 2024. 


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