PLP should consider senate reshuffle

EDITOR, The Tribune.

AS the Davis-Cooper administration progresses, the time has come for Prime Minister Philip Davis to consider a reshuffle of his Senate appointments. Such a move would serve not only as a demonstration of the Progressive Liberal Party’s depth of talent but also as a strategic decision to keep the legislative agenda vibrant and reflective of the evolving needs of the Bahamian people.

The current Senate appointments, including the contributions of Quinton Lightbourne, Randy Rolle, and Darren Pickstock, have been commendable. These individuals have served their roles with distinction. Quinton Lightbourne, for example, has represented The Bahamas and the Caribbean on the global stage in his role as Alternate Executive Director for the Caribbean Constituency on the Board of Directors of the Inter-American Development Bank, IDB Invest, and IDB Lab. Randy Rolle has taken on the responsibilities of executive chairman of Consumer Control with dedication, and Darren Pickstock has overseen the Bahamas Agricultural and Industrial Corporation during a pivotal time for local industries.

However, for any government, especially one with as much internal talent as the PLP, there comes a time when change is necessary—not because of any failure on the part of these individuals, but to demonstrate the party’s commitment to renewal, transparency, and inclusivity. The Bahamian electorate deserves to see the wide range of skills, perspectives, and leadership qualities that the PLP has within its ranks. By rotating new members into the Senate, Prime Minister Davis can highlight the diverse strengths of the party, ensuring it remains forward-thinking, responsive, and connected to the people it serves.

From a strategic standpoint, a reshuffle would allow the PLP to reaffirm its core message of inclusiveness and its readiness to adapt to shifting social, economic, and political landscapes. Allowing other qualified individuals to take up roles in the Senate would also provide a platform for emerging leaders, helping to groom the next generation of policymakers and party figures. In a party with such rich history and tradition, showcasing a steady pipeline of leadership talent is essential to securing future electoral victories.

By appointing fresh faces to the Senate, the Davis administration can demonstrate that it is not a government of stagnation but one of progressive action—ready to listen to new voices and consider innovative approaches to governance. New appointees could bring a fresh perspective on key issues such as economic diversification, environmental sustainability, education reform, and social welfare—all areas where a dynamic, forward-thinking Senate can make a significant impact.

There are, of course, political considerations in any reshuffle. Managing the delicate balance between experience and renewal is crucial, but the potential rewards far outweigh the risks. Giving new members a platform to demonstrate their leadership capabilities could strengthen the PLP’s electoral chances in future elections, presenting a party that is not only responsive to its base but also adaptable to change. A government that values dynamism and renewal will resonate strongly with younger voters and those looking for bold action in solving today’s challenges.

Prime Minister Davis should seize this moment to refresh his Senate appointments. The current senators, such as Quinton Lightbourne, Randy Rolle, and Darren Pickstock, have contributed significantly to the administration’s success. Still, the PLP must now show that it is a party rich with talent and innovation—ready to deliver results for all Bahamians. A Senate reshuffle would be a powerful signal of the government’s commitment to broadening participation, fostering leadership, and building a future-oriented Bahamas.



September 9, 2024.


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