Gilbert Williams publishes new book

Gilbert Williams

Gilbert Williams


Tribune Sports Reporter


GILBERT Williams typically spends his time serving as the director of Special Olympics Bahamas, but recently he decided to channel all of his passion into writing and publishing his book “Das A Baheemyan”.

He has spent the last few years documenting his experiences as a Bahamian and was finally able to witness his art come to life in August when he published his work.

The book highlights all aspects of Bahamian culture including the history, native dishes, sports and vocabulary. Williams offers readers a unique literary experience that can prove to be relatable for Bahamians and both entertaining and insightful for non-Bahamians.

He spoke with Tribune Sports on Wednesday to share the thought process behind writing an “all things Bahamian” book.

“The book is about things Bahamian including our food, our history, places of interest and the way we talk. I have been making a mental note of my various experiences for a few years. Since I have always had a passion for sharing information and knowledge, I decided that documenting these experiences and putting them in a book was a way to share and preserve,” he said.

The book does not only provide a sneak peek of the various aspects of Bahamian culture but it is also meant to inspire readers to reflect on the past while also thinking about the future.

“Das A Baheemyan” highlights the new and old characteristics of the Bahamian experience. 

Williams acknowledged that the writing and publication process taught him a lot. “It was a learning process all the way. It taught me patience, made me research and gather facts and also made me realize how little I know and the need for more Bahamians to tell their stories and share their experiences,” he said.

He added that although the process was not seamless it was very fulfilling.

“The best part about getting my book out there was knowing that I have made a contribution by sharing my knowledge and experiences. Also, by publishing it means it will be around for future generations to read,” he said.

The book sales have already started rolling in for Williams. He expressed why more Bahamians should consider purchasing “Das A Baheemyan”:

“There are a number of reasons to purchase the book but mainly because of the factual content that tells a little of our history and because it captures us Bahamians in a way that we can relate to and appreciate,” he said.

The paperback version of “Das A Baheemyan” can be purchased on Amazon and as an Ebook for Kindle users. The book is also available for purchase at the Special Olympics Bahamas Office.


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