Keep politicians out of the pulpit

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I think this is an interesting point... do certain politicians spend too much time in church pulpits? Never should Church and State mix...always keep your distance just like the Judiciary... distance to guarantee free expression and comment.

It seems you are no one if you don’t invite, yes they invite, politicians, to their dear-ones funerals and some absolutely adore this. Hey stay out of the pulpits please we can’t come into your House and speak.

Totally stay out of pulpits in election time…Gods house is precisely that…have politician ‘A’ and then don’t invite ‘C and D’ hmm 50 percent of your congregation ain’t supporters of ‘A party’ so sense says Pastors don’t be tempted keep all politicians a mile away from your pulpits.

Will they, the Pastors? Hell no they use the presence of the politician to increase tithing or hope to. Politicians can possibly say something before the Service - short and non partisan but at no other time. Keep politicians out of pulpits.



September 12, 2024.


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