Davis warns Pintard over claims his govt is breaking the law

FNM leader Michael Pintard in the House of Assembly on Wednesday. Photo: Chappell Whyms Jr

FNM leader Michael Pintard in the House of Assembly on Wednesday. Photo: Chappell Whyms Jr


Tribune Chief Reporter


PRIME Minister Philip “Brave” Davis yesterday cautioned Michael Pintard against pushing a narrative that his administration was breaking the law.

“Sometimes we have to be careful how we’ve addressed things, to continually have this narrative of law that we are breaking the law,” Mr Davis told Mr Pintard in the House of Assembly. “There’s one thing to have a view of one’s conduct but it’s another thing to carry that view to make a series of allegations that you do.”

He urged Mr Pintard to be cautious, saying the law is a very “peculiar preacher”.

His remarks followed the Marco City MP’s claim that laws were being broken under the Davis administration without consequence.

Mr Pintard cited several instances where the government allegedly broke the law.

He pointed out a trip to Bermuda, alleging funds had been withdrawn from the consolidated fund to support a private political endeavour without repercussions.

He claimed the administration borrowed from the Central Bank without legal backing.

He also accused the government of giving an illegal loan to BPL and said it remains unclear whether the loan has been fully made.

“There’s one rule for the Progressive Liberal Party, and there’s a different rule for others,” he said.


moncurcool 19 hours, 10 minutes ago

Please, Davis needs to really go. This government has broken the law itself on numerous occasions, without any consequences.

But 2026 cometh

birdiestrachan 18 hours, 11 minutes ago

Mr Pintard of toggie and boggie fame doc Minnis and Pintard of OBAN And the Trumped up charges on Mr Smith all of the money the tax payers had to pay and they open their lying lips to talk they do not believe in the intelligence of the Bahamian people,

TalRussell 16 hours, 10 minutes ago

The "Peculiar Preacher's" advice: -- He counsels the popoulaces': -- “When praying, -- Do not keep repeating the same things -- over and over again -- As those heading-up politics does.” (Matthew 6:7). -- Hello!

mandela 10 hours, 52 minutes ago

So now we getting so petty and desperate that just mentioning the government is breaking the law can be grounds for law suit. Baby dictators.

TalRussell 8 hours, 37 minutes ago

If I may be one comrade speaking from a distance to the king's loyal leader, the opposition party, Comrade Pintard, -- Is to be guided by Psalm 129. -- Hello!

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